Gender Equality

In 2019, women only held 28 percent of managerial positions world-wide.

What's the goal here?

To achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Engagement Activities

MOU & Collaborations

Events & Seminars

Our Events

Awareness Walk based on ‘Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow (Walkathon)

An awareness walk based on ‘Gender Equality today for a Sustainable Tomorrow (Walkathon)’ was organized.

The purpose of the drive was to elaborate on the importance of education and how it can help to support gender equality and reduce inequalities.

Other gender-based equality activities were gender equality seminar, sketching competition, open mic discussion, painting competition and calligraphy competition.

Other Gender-Based Activities

Other’ gender-based equality activities were gender equality seminar, sketching competition, open mic discussion, painting competition and calligraphy competition.