Undergraduate Programs

Bachelor of Fashion Design & Technology

  1. To indulge theoretical study of Fashion Design and its technical aspects in the students.
  2. To generate human resources in the field of design with the intense knowledge of technology and command on creative process specifically to the sectors related to   Fabric & Textiles to attire look of costume.
  3. To impart students about the importance of aesthetics & functionality at every phase of Designing, sampling, production, marketing & Merchandizing.
  4. To give knowledge of Research so they can apply it in further studies & advancement in practical field.
  5. To teach the students about the moral & Ethical values of the society so they can contribute well as designer & Human being.



  1. After formal education graduates have the ability to work as a Fashion Designer, Stylist, Illustrator and Costume designer in the market.
  2. Graduates have ability to produce designs in kid’s wear.
  3. Graduates are able to work in the industry for import and export business in garment as we are producing industry oriented Designer as well.
  4. Graduates have the ability to provide services as accessory designer.
  5. Graduates are able to work in the field of arts as a Textile artist, fabric instillation Artist, Soft sculptor, Pattern Maker & Drapist.
  6. Graduates have the ability to perceive designs and able to lead design houses & studios.
  7. Graduates are able to work as communication designer particularly for textile sector and have the ability to work as marketer & Visual Merchandiser.
  8. Graduates are given the intense knowledge of Digital Technology and can work as computer Aided Designer in the market.
  9. Graduates have the ability to work interdisciplinary tasks in a team.
  10. Have the ability to play its role as good citizen with code & conducts of the society & religion.


1st Semester

2nd Semester

NS-1093 Human Anatomy 3 0 3 NS-1095 Human Ecology 3 0 3
SS-1091 Sociology 3 0 3 SS-1092 Psychology 3 0 3
NS-1094 Quantative Reasoning-I 3 0 3 NS-1096 Quantative Reasoning-II 3 0 3
AH-1091 History of Arts & Design 3 0 3 AH-1092 History of Art & Design-II 3 0 3
ENG-1096 Expository Writing-I 3 0 3 ENG-1097 Expository Writing-II 3 0 3
FA-1095 Drawing Foundation-I 0 0 2 FA-1096 Drawing Foundation-II 0 2 2
Total Cr. Hrs. 15 2 17 Total Cr. Hrs. 15 2 17

3rd Semester

4th Semester

ENG-2091 Expository Writing-III 3 0 3 TEC-2092 Fabric Manufacturing-I 1 2 3
HU-2091 Islamic Studies 3 0 3 FD-2091 Fundamental of Flat Pattern 1 2 3
HU-2092 Pak Studies for Designers 3 0 3 FD-2092 Basic Drapping 0 2 2
DES-2091 Color & Design Fundamentals 1 2 3 FD-2093 Basic Sewing 1 2 3
TEC-2091 Fibre & Yarn Manufacturing 3 0 3 FD-2094 Fashion Design Studio-I        1 2 3
Total Cr. Hrs. 13 2 15 Total Cr. Hrs. 4 10 14

5th Semester

6th Semester

FD-2095 Pattern & Grading 1 2 3 FD-3091 Design Fashion Designing 0 2 2
FD-2096 Drapping Based Design Construction 0 2 2 FD-3092 Pattern Collection-I 0 3 3
FD-2097 Cut & Sew Techniques 1 2 3 FD-3093 Haute Couture Draping-I 0 3 3
DD-2091 CAD-I for Designers 1 2 3 FD-3094 Embroidery & embellishment Techniques 0 3 3
FD-2094 Fashion Design Studio-II 1 2 3 FD-3095 Fashion Design Studio-III 1 2 3
Total Cr. Hrs. 4 10 14 Total Cr. Hrs. 1 13 14

7th Semester

8th Semester

DES-4091 Visual Story Telling 1 1 2 DEC-4092 Technopronuership 1 2 3
RM-3091 Research Methodology 2 1 3 DES-4093 Digital Portfolio Development 0 2 2
FD-4091 Advance Digital Design 0 3 3 FD-4093 Accesories Design 0 2 2
FD-4092 Haute Couture Draping-II 0 3 3 FD-4094 Fashion Products Planning & Costing 2 0 2
FP-4091 Final Project-I 0 3 3 FP-4092 Final Year Project-II 0 3 3

HU-4091 Foriegn Language 2 0 2
Total Cr. Hrs. 3 11 14 Total Cr. Hrs. 5 9 14
Internship during summer holidays (DES-3091) 0 1 1
Total Credits for Bachelor of Fashion Design 120

At least 45% marks in the following: a. Intermediate (F.A, F.Sc, I.Com, ICS, etc) or equivalent
b. Three A-Level and Eight O-Levels
Passing the University drawing test is compulsory

At least 45% marks in the following:

A. Intermediate (F.A, F.Sc, I.Com, ICS, etc) or equivalent

B. Three A-Level and Eight O-Levels

Merit Criteria:

Admissions to the Design Programs of the University are decided on the basis of candidates’ marks in:

  1. Marks of Intermediate Part-I (65% weightage)
  2. Marks of Matriculation (35% weightage)

Open Merit Fee - 1st Semester

Fee Heads1st Semester Fee (Rs)
Admission Fee (Once at admission) 25,000
Certificate Verification Fee (Once at admission) 2,000
University Security (Refundable) 5,000
University Card Fee (Once at admission) 300
 Red Crescent Donation (Once at admision) 50
Tuition Fee (First Semester) 69,890
Library Fee (Per Semester) 3,000
Examination Fee (Per Semester) 3,000
Student Activity Fund (Per Semester) 2,000
Endowment Fund (Per Semester) 1,000
Exhibition Fee (Per Semester) Only Design Programs 6,000
TOTAL 117,240
Degree Fee (Once in the Last Semester) 5,000


  • Tuition Fee will increase @ 2.5% Per Annum in Subsequent Years.
  • 1/3rd of the Tuition Fee along with Examination Fee will be charged in Summer/Extra Semester.
  • The Security Deposit is against breakage and/or any other damage caused by the students.
  • The Security Deposit is refundable within two year after the completion of degree or leaving the University without completion or expulsion from the University. After Two years all the unclaimed securities will be forfeited.
  • If any student fails to submit semester dues till sixth week from the commencement of semester then the student's admission will be cancelled. Student may sit in mid exam after the payment of re-admission fee of Rs.15,000/- along with semester dues.