Undergraduate Programs

BS Textile Engineering Technology(Accredited by National Technology Council & The Textile Institute, UK)

Mission of the Program 

To equip students with the global knowledge of textile technology by adapting the best practices for socio-economic growth of the society. 

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) 

The program aims at imparting quality education to engineering technology graduates for contributing to the society through modern technologies and practices in line with SDGs.  

After 3-5 years of graduation, the Textile Engineering Technology Graduates will be able to: 

i.    Implement the knowledge of applied sciences and textile engineering technology in real world textile challenges. 

ii.   Lead as an expert with effective communication in optimizing textiles processes with due considerations of ethics and sustainability.  

iii.  Have a positive attitude towards continual learning and fully adaptive to constantly changing technologies. 

All the graduating students of Textile Engineering Technology should have:



Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)


Engineering Technology Knowledge

Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, Engineering Technology fundamentals, and Engineering Technology specialization to defined and applied Engineering Technology procedures, processes, systems or methodologies.


Problem Analysis

Ability to Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze broadly-defined Engineering Technology problems reaching substantiated conclusions using analytical tools appropriate to the discipline or area of specialization.


Design/ Development of Solutions

Ability to design solutions for broadly- defined Engineering Technology problems and contribute to the design of systems, components or processes to meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.



Ability to conduct investigations of broadly-defined problems; locate, search and select relevant data from codes, data bases & literature, design & conduct experiments to provide valid conclusions.


 Modern Tool Usage

Ability to Select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern technology and IT tools, including prediction and modelling, to broadly-defined Engineering Technology problems, with an understanding of the limitations.


 The Engineering Technologist and Society

Ability to demonstrate understanding of the societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to Engineering Technology practice and solutions to broadly defined Engineering Technology problems.


 Environment and Sustainability

Ability to understand and evaluate the sustainability and impact of Engineering Technology work in the solution of broadly defined Engineering Technology problems in societal and environmental contexts.



Understand and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of Engineering Technology practice.


 Individual and Team Work

Ability to function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams.



Ability to communicate effectively on broadly defined Engineering Technology activities with the Engineering Technologist community and with society at large, by being able to comprehend & write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, give and receive clear instructions.


 Project Management

Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Engineering Technology management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member or leader in a team and to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.


 Lifelong Learning

Ability to recognize the need for and have the ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in specialist Engineering Technologies.

1st Semester

2nd Semester

Codes Subject Title Th Lab Total Codes Subject Title Th Lab Total
TEN-1101 Applied Physics 2 1 3 TEI-1201 Workshop Practices 0 2 2
TEC-1101 Introduction to Computing 1 1 3 TEE-1201 Communication & Presentation Skills 3 0 3
TEH-1101 Islamic Studies/Ethics 3 0 2 TEQ-1201 Applied Statistics 3 0 3
TEQ-1101 Applied Mathematics 3 0 3 TEH-1201 Pakistan Studies 3 0 3
TET-1101 Introduction to Textile Technology 2 0 2 TET-1201 Textile Raw Materials 3 0 3
TEE-1101 Funcational English 3 0 3 TEN-1201 Applied Chemistry 2 1 3
TET-1102 Technical drawing and CADs 0 1 1

Total Cr. Hrs. 14 3 17 Total Cr. Hrs. 14 3 17

3rd Semester

4th Semester

TEI-2301 Electrical & Electronic Technology 2 1 3 TEC-2401 Computer Programming 1 1 2
TET-2301 Fiber Science & Technology 2 1 3 TEM-2401 Social Sciences / Management Sciences Elective 2 0 2
TET-2302 Yarn Preparatory Process 2 1 3 TET-2401 Mechanics of Fibrous Structures 1 1 2
TET-2303 Fabric manufacturing Preparatory Process 2 1 3 TET-2402 Textile Dyeing 2 1 3
TET-2304 Pretreatment of Textiles 2 1 3 TET-2403 Industrial Cutting & Sewing 2 1 3
TET-2305 Anthropometry and Garment Construction 1 1 2 TET-2404 Yarn Manufacturing Technology  2 1 3
          TET-2405 Fabric Manufacturing Technology 2 1 3
Total Cr. Hrs. 11 6 17 Total Cr. Hrs. 12 6 18

5th Semester

6th Semester

TET-3501 Spinning Calculations 2 0 2 TEM-3601 Total Qulaity Management (Elective Mgt Course) 3 0 3
TET-3502 Fabric Manufacturing Calculations 2 0 2 TET-3601 Sewn Product Technology 2 1 3
TES-3501 Professional Ethics 3 0 3 TET-3602 Speciality engineered yarns 2 1 3
TET-3503 Textile Testing  1 1 2 TET-3603 Speciality fabric manufacturing and design 2 1 3
TET-3504 Textile Printing 2 1 3 TET-3604 Finishing & Coating 2 1 3
TET-3505 Apparel Merchandizing and Sourcing 2 0 2 TET-3605 Project 0 3 3
TET-3506 Project 0 3 3          
Total Cr. Hrs. 12 5 17 Total Cr. Hrs. 11 7 18

7th Semester

8th Semester

TET-4701 Supervised Industrial Traning/ Electives 0 16 16 TET-4801 Supervised Industrial Traning 0 16 16

Eligibility Criteria

FSc Pre Engineering / Three A-Levels(Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) with 8 O Levels / DAE ( Automation Technology,Textile Dyeing and Printing Technology, Textile Spinning Technology, Textile Weaving Technology, Print and Graphic Arts Technology, Mechanical Technology,Mechatronics Technology, Mechanical and Industrial Technology, Leather Technology, Garment Technology. Instrumentation Technology, Electrical Technology, Electronics Technology, Environmental Technology, Chemical Technology) with at least 50% Marks

Applicants who have studied in non- Pakistani systems (O-Level, A-Level etc.) must provide an equivalence certificate from Inter Board Committee of Chairmen IBCC, other wise their merit will not be finalized.

Candidates may apply for provisional admission if they have completed one of the above mentioned qualifications but waiting for their results.

Merit Criteria =  70% FSc Part-I +  30% Entry Test

Note: Applications are entertained on Intermediate Part-I basis and merit would be finalized accordingly. However, the admitted students must meet the basic eligibility criteria of the relevant degree program on the announcement of Intermediate Part-II result failing which admission will be automatically cancelled.

Open Merit Fee - 1st Semester

Fee Heads1st Semester Fee (Rs)
Admission Fee (Once at admission) 25,000
Certificate Verification Fee (Once at admission) 2,000
University Security (Refundable) 5,000
University Card Fee (Once at admission) 300
 Red Crescent Donation (Once at admision) 50
Tuition Fee (First Semester) 69,890
Library Fee (Per Semester) 3,000
Examination Fee (Per Semester) 3,000
Student Activity Fund (Per Semester) 2,000
Endowment Fund (Per Semester) 1,000
TOTAL 111,240
Degree Fee (Once in the Last Semester) 5,000


  • Tuition Fee will increase @ 2.5% Per Annum in Subsequent Years.
  • 1/3rd of the Tuition Fee along with Examination Fee will be charged in Summer/Extra Semester.
  • The Security Deposit is against breakage and/or any other damage caused by the students.
  • The Security Deposit is refundable within two year after the completion of degree or leaving the University without completion or expulsion from the University. After Two years all the unclaimed securities will be forfeited.
  • If any student fails to submit semester dues till sixth week from the commencement of semester then the student's admission will be cancelled. Student may sit in mid exam after the payment of re-admission fee of Rs.15,000/- along with semester dues.