This seminar series has been aimed to arrange technical seminars for students, teachers and industrial professionals on focusing some of the SDG goals. This seminar focused on
SDG goals no. 3, Good health and well-being,
Such a wonderful event could not be held without encouragement and all kind of supports by Worthy Rector, Prof. Dr. Tanveer Hussain, NTU main campus, and Most Respected Campus Director, Prof. Dr. Khalid Pasha NTU Karachi Campus.
The students of Society of Sustainable Development Goals under convenorship of Dr. M. Irfan Siyal lecturer department of textiles and clothing NTU-KC organized the event formally starting at 11:00 am and ending by 1:30 pm. Around in total 200 participants attended this event including industrial technical persons, campus teachers, students of different departments.
The speakers topics covered and speakers were:
All speakers, Campus Director, HODs were awarded with shields and all students of society were awarded with certifications of all previous activities and this event.