NTU KC-FDP 2021-22 Training Session-VI “Lesson Delivery”

NTU KC-FDP 2021-22 Training Session-VI “Lesson Delivery”

Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) Karachi Campus organized the last training session of National Textile University, Karachi Campus Faculty Development Program 2021-22
(NTU KC-FDP 2021-22) series entitled Training Session-VI Lesson Delivery on
June 09, 2022. Dr. Kashif Javed, Assistant Professor, NTU Karachi Campus
(graduated from NAHE Cohort 4) covering the contents Microteaching, Communication, Questioning, Lesson delivery, Teaching quality assessment and Interactive technology; reviewed the learning outcomes of the training sessions of the Faculty Development Program.

Prof. Dr. Khalid Pasha, Director Karachi Campus in his closing remarks highlighted the purpose of the adopted National Faculty Development Program 2020, National Academy of Higher Education (NAHE), Higher Education Commission of Pakistan and emphasized the faculty to effectively apply the learning of the program to their academic professional career. He commended Dr. Kashif Javed for transferring of essential knowledge, skills, behaviors, and interpersonal attributes to the faculty in teaching & learning and professional practice & service leadership dimensions. Further, he appreciated the efforts of Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) for planning and organizing the successful faculty training program.