Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) Karachi Campus organized a Training Session on “IT Tools for Teaching” on December 13, 2022. Engr. Arsalan Waheed, Senior IT Manager and IT Instructor, NED University of Engineering & Technology Karachi was the resource person. Faculty and lab engineers of Department of Textile & Clothing and Department of Polymer Engineering attended the training session.
The interactive training session capacitated the participants to effectively utilize their learning gains to bring about improvements in students learning through the use of IT Tools.
Prof. Dr. Khalid Pasha, Director Karachi Campus in his remarks highlighted the importance of IT Tools for Teaching. Mr. Muhammad Ayaz Shaikh, Deputy Director QEC in his closing remarks thanks to the instructor for effectively delivering the IT learning based information to the participants. He especially obliged to the Director Karachi Campus for facilitating in organizing the training session.