Library FAQ's

Library FAQ's

How i can get NTU library card?

You can get NTU library ID card by visiting Circulation Desk and request for library membership form. Filled that form and submit accordingly.

You can avail this facility if you are;

  • Students with valid library ID card
  • Staff of NTU
  • Faculty members
  • Corporate members

Once you are registered, you may check out library books while presenting your valid library ID card at circulation desk.

If your card is lost, be sure to let us know immediately and submit your application for issuance of duplicate card along with a copy of bank receipt for Rs.100/- on account of duplicate card fee. You will be held responsible for any items checked out on your card if you do not inform us that it is missing.

You can get maximum three books at a time.

You can search a book by using our digital services from computer terminals, available near the circulation desk specified for “OPACs” (Online Public Access Catalogues).

To keep a book for another borrowing period, visit the library circulation desk along with the book to be renewed. The staff on duty will re-issue the book to you, if there is no demand by another user. Overdue books will not be renewed.

You can check your library account by visiting circulation desk and ask circulation staff about the item(s) issued by you.

A fine of Rs. 5/- per day begins accruing as soon as the book is overdue. If you do not return the book by the date due, your borrowing privileges can be suspended.

Report it immediately in writing at the circulation desk so that your overdue fine can be stopped. Then you will be charged three times of the actual price of the book.

All library fines are handled by the NTU Accounts Office. You will receive the fine notice. Take this notice to the Accounts Office and pay the fine. The Accounts Office will issue you a receipt of paid fines. You have to submit this receipt to the circulation desk for fine clearance.

Course reserves are housed in the Reserve Room at ground floor near the main entrance/ circulation desk.

Very simple, come to the library circulation desk, ask for the specific course reserve, show your library ID card and get your course reserve material.

Yes, photocopy facility is available within the library premises at very nominal charges.

Archive section located near the OPACs at the ground floor.

No, you can’t borrow any kind of material from ‘Archive Section’ but with the special permission of the HOD, you can get this material only for some photocopy.

No, you can’t take any kind of eating/ drinking material within the library.