Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

  1. The use of the Library shall be open to the members of the following categories
    • Faculty and Staff
    • Research Fellows and Scholars
    • Students on the roll of the NTU
    • Borrowing facility is not available to NTU Alumni and students referred from other institutions; however other library services are available accordingly. Some materials, such as reference books, press clippings, CD-ROMs, current periodicals, or any other publication marked, as reference/ reserved will not be circulated.
  2. The borrowing privileges of the users are mentioned as under:
  3. Sr. # Category Book Limit Loan Period
    1 Faculty 15 90 Days
    2 Staff Members 03 21 Days
    3 Students 03 21 Days
    4 Teaching Assistant 05 21 Days
    5 Research Associate 05 21 Days
    6 Corporate Members 03 21 Days
  4. The borrowed books shall be renewed for a further period of three weeks, if these have not been reserved for another user. Overdue books shall not be renewed.
  5. Books and other material of the following description shall not be issued to borrowers but may be consulted in the Library during working hours.
    • Reference books like encyclopedia, dictionaries, reports, handbooks and other reference materials
    • Reserved books
    • Rare books and protected documents
    • ASTM standard, AATCC manuals, CD-Roms
    • Periodicals
    • Any other material at the discretion of the Librarian
  6. Mutilation of library material is a crime qualifying for penalty under Library Rules. However, books accidentally damaged should be reported promptly so that suitable assessment may be made and damages recovered.
  7. In case, a book is urgently required, the librarian may recall it at a short notice any time and such a book shall be returned immediately by the borrower.
  8. New arrivals of books, periodicals, journals, research reports and other materials of interest shall be notified by the Librarian to the Chairmen/Head of various Departments periodically.
  9. Members of the library shall be entitled to borrow books and other material from the library except those which are mentioned in rule 4 above.


  1. Users are not allowed to bring their personal belongings in the library. All members shall be required to leave their personal belongings (books, files, briefcases, handbags, registers, etc) at the entrance of the library at designated place.
  2. Users are not allowed to write, underline or mark the library books. The library books are carefully examined on return and the borrower will be held responsible for defacing or damaging or causing loss of library material in his possession.
  3. Users shall leave the library material on the tables after consultation to be shelved ONLY by the library staff.
  4. Complete silence should be observed inside the library except for the brief and subdued talk with the library staff at the Circulation Desk or in any other Section of the library.
  5. Drinking, eating and sleeping shall not be allowed inside the library.
  6. Use of Mobile and Smoking are strictly prohibited inside the library.
  7. Loud talking/un-necessary discussion/disturbance / snoozing etc shall not be allowed inside the library.

The violation of library rules may result in following fines;


A fine of Rs.05 per book, per day shall be charged for late returns.


In case of loss of book(s) the lost books shall have to be replaced. For out of print titles, the amount equal to three times the original purchase price of the book(s) shall be charged.

  • The total cost of the damaged or lost material, which can be replaced, shall be charged.
  • Those borrowers who have lost books shall not be allowed to borrow any library material until the lost material is replaced.


This material is issued for only three hours in one day. A fine of Rs.10/- per each extra hour/day will be charged.

If the library user fails to submit the replacement cost of lost or damaged material, this amount will be deducted from the “Security Deposits” of the user; in case the stipulated amount exceeds the Security Deposits of the user. The authorities reserve the rights to withhold the issuance of degree to the student concerned till he/she either replaces the lost book/material or pays the stipulated amount, or to recover the cost at source from the employees if not paid in cash in two months time.


The willful damage or theft of library materials will result in an automatic referral to the university administration and may lead to suspension from the University. Users are required to pay fines and fees at the accounts department while library will not deal in any cash transaction.


The Circulation Desk may be consulted while using the following services:

  • OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)
  • Audio/Visual Materials, CDs, Diskettes
  • Multi-media library
  • Digital Library
  • E-Library

The Librarian or other designated staff has the authority to immediately stop issuance of library material or discontinue the Reading Room facilities incase of violating library Rules and Regulations


The loss of library material is unavoidable especially when open shelf system is provided. Therefore:

  • Losses to the extent of 3% per annum of the available stock in an open access library may be written off by the competent authority on the recommendations of the Library Stocktaking Committee (LSC).
  • Losses to the extent of 2% per annum of the available collection of a closed access or partially open access library may be written off by the competent authority on the recommendations of Library Stocktaking Committee (LSC).
  • Losses written off by the competent authority shall be struck off from the stock and the records of the library, including public catalogues, and transferred to the withdrawal register indicating the authority under which the losses were written off.

In addition, the permanent irrecoverable losses of mutilated, damaged and worn-out books and other material found to be beyond repairs during the physical verification of the library shall also be placed before the Library Stocktaking Committee for write off, weeding out or replacement thereof.