NTU Community Service Society

(Hope with Action) (Looking to Serve)

This society is commenced upon the motive to serve the local community’s hopes. Later intended to broaden its spectrum towards outside the local vicinity. It also leads the services by raising fund and then served upon the priority need of the community. This society is responsible to cater the philanthropy activities in one’s life of the NTU and vicinity.

Social work is used to utilize as many different capacities of activities, skills and techniques which consistent with the holistic focus of the individuals and their environment. Therefore, this society give freedom to student to explore how these common task, areas of expertise , skills and interventions can be articulate their thinking towards the  community/social matters.


  • Eligibility to join: Open to all self-motivated students of the University.
  • To join the society: Please contact the Society Office Bearers

Our Society Office Bearers

President Vice president
Waleed Khan Yousfzai Ali Amer

Facebook: fb.com/ntucommunityservice