Internal Quality Assurance

Internal Quality Assurance

The objective of IQA section is that all the HEC’s recognized HEIs of Pakistan have established their Directorates of Quality Assurance and have achieved W level of IQA mechanism. For the purpose, the section administers the activities w.r.t. establishing: new Quality Enhancement Cells (QEC) and IQA mechanism in HEIs. To reinforce its objective, IQA holds periodic Progress review meetings and perform monitoring visits. The quality of IQA mechanism in an HEI is measured quantitatively, on annual basis, by means of a score card. The assessment period starts from 1st of July each year and ends on 30th of June next year. The assessment is rated in terms of percentage and reflected in terms of four quality levels/grades i.e. W, X, Y, Z. The major outcome of a good IQA mechanism is an HEI ready for external evaluations by QAA-HEC (or any 3rd party) as well as by accreditation councils.

The IQA section executes its policies through Quality Enhancement Cells [QEC], established in universities/ Higher Education Institutes [HEIs], in Pakistan. The establishment of Quality Enhancement Cells roots in the establishment of Quality Assurance Agency (May 2005). Initially the PC-I of QECs was approved by DDWP, in August 2006 which was executed from September 2006. Consequently the phase wise establishment of QECs began [Listed below].

These QECs, alongside undertaking many other measures for enhancing academic quality in HEIs, also implements quality assessment mechanism of academic programs, called Self-Assessment Process. The outcome of this process is Self-Assessment Report [SAR]. The main objectives of preparing SAR are:

  • To improve academic programs and ensure high academic standards by providing feedback for faculty and administration to initiate action plan for improvement.
  • To provide students with essential skills to enter the workplace well prepared in the core competencies: problem solving abilities, experimental and data analysis techniques, team work experience, interpersonal skills, basic and advance IT skills.