Academic Quality Management System (AQMS)
Teacher’s role in TQMS
- Preparation of course specifications
- Effective delivery & assessment of the course specifications
- Preparation of class activity report
- Preparation of final attendance report
- Maintenance of course files
Chairman’s role in TQMS
- Pre-semester meeting
- Semester planning
- Requirement of faculty and other resources
- Course allocation/scheduling
- Setting of specific goals, milestones, deadlines
Monthly meetings
- Monthly course review
- Review of course files and achievement of the set goals
End-semester meeting
- Semester grades review and actions to be taken
- Faculty feedback review and actions to be taken
- Course feedback review and actions to be taken
- Review of achievement of set goals
Files to be maintained
- Course files by teachers
- Monthly review file by chairmen
- End-semester review file by chairmen
Required proforma/forms
- Semester planner
- Class activity report form
- Final attendance report form
- Monthly course review checklist
- Semester grades summary
- Faculty feedback summary