Department of Applied Sciences

Department of Applied Sciences

The Department of Applied Sciences at NTU is playing an important role in developing the future textile engineers for the industry. The role of the department is evident from the fact that the foundation of all technical and major courses is developed through the courses taught under this department Not only technical but also personal growth and development is one of the most important aspects of human life, especially when one has to maintain one's pace with the current and modern needs of the job. To deal with this aspect, the department aims to provide students with solid foundation that will prepare them to adjust successfully in their careers.


Aims & Objectives:

The main objective of the lab is to understand the Art of Experimentation, Experimental and Analytical Skills, Conceptual Learning, Understanding the Basis of Knowledge in Physics, Developing Collaborative Learning Skills and Lab Safety rules. 

Along with the theoretical knowledge of Physics, lab equipment allows students to interact directly with the data gathered. They get a first-hand learning experience by performing various experiments on their own. Students are made to use the models and understand different scientific theories and concepts.


With the experience of lab work students will be able to demonstrate the ability to use experimental statistics to determine the precision of a series of measurements, properties of a variety of electrical and optical systems and able to prepare a valid laboratory notebook.


List of Equipments: -This laboratory is equipped with the following equipments
Sr. No. Equipment General Description Picture
1 Spectroscope

An optical spectrometer (spectrophotometer, spectrograph or spectroscope) is an instrument used to measure properties of light over a specific portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, typically used in spectroscopic analysis to identify materials.

2 Tangent Galvanometer

Tangent galvanometer is a type of galvanometer having a vertical coil of wire with a horizontal magnetic needle at its centre. The current to be measured is passed through the coil and produces a proportional magnetic field which deflects the needle.

3 Michelson Interferometer

The Michelson interferometer produces interference fringes by splitting a beam of monochromatic light so that one beam strikes a fixed mirror and the other a movable mirror. When the reflected beams are brought back together, an interference pattern results. It is also used to find the refractive indices of different materials.

4 Sound Level Meter

A sound level meter is used for acoustic (sound that travels through air) measurements. It is commonly a hand-held instrument with a microphone. The diaphragm of the microphone responds to changes in air pressure caused by sound waves. Meters that measure sound levels work by calculating the pressure of the sound waves traveling through the air from a source of noise.

5 Polari-meter

Polarimetry measures the rotation of polarized light as it passes through an optically active fluid. The measured rotation can be used to calculate the value of solution concentrations; especially substances such as sugars, peptides and volatile oils.

6 Surface Thickness Gauge

Ultrasonic thickness gauging is a widely used nondestructive test technique for measuring the thickness of a material from one side. It is fast, reliable, and versatile, and unlike a micrometer or caliper it requires access to only one side of the test piece.

7 Anemometer  

8 Diffraction of Light at a Split  

9 Digital Weight Balance  

10 Gyroscope  

11 Hene Gaslaser  

11 Kunds Tube  

12 Law of Lenses  

13 Lux Meter  

14 Mathematical Pendulum  

15 Meldes  

16 Modulus of Elasticity  

17 Micrometer  

18 Moment of Inertia  

19 Multimeter  

20 Newton's Rings  

21 Plancks Constant  

22 Power Supply  

23 Sextant  

24 Thermometer  

25 Torsion Modulus  

26 Velocity of Sound in Air  

27 Vernier Caliper  

List of Experiments:-

List of some Experiments performed in Physics Lab are following




To become familiar with the dispersion and resolving power of the prism & grating spectroscope.


Identification of Optically active solution by using Polarimeter.


To find the Earth Magnetic field using Tangent Galvanometer.


To become familiar with the working of Michelson Interferometer and its applications.


To understand the working of sound level meter and recording the data.


To determine the velocity of light in air and medium.


Measure the viscosity of a given liquid at the given temperature with the falling ball viscometer.


Surface tension of the ring by the pull-out method with Cobra3.


The determination of moment of inertia of a given disc/hollow cylinder/solid Cylinder/sphere or a rod.


To determine the modulus of elasticity (E) of given bar (steel / brass / Aluminum).

Aims & Objectives:

Chemistry research lab is designed to provide instrumentation on advanced level. It provides learning to the post graduate students/Researchers for development of analytical skills. Researchers can gain theoretical as well as practical knowledge of applied chemistry. Students are allowed to use as per standard procedures lab equipment’s.  

Students from different universities come here to complete their research work.


List of Equipments: -This laboratory is equipped with the following equipments
Sr. No. Equipment General Description Picture
1 Analytical weighing balance

Analytical weighing balance is used to measure chemical more accurately and precisely in gram and milligram. Weighing balance placed on uniform surface and further by adjusting the knob. Modern electric weighing balance have built-in calibration weights to maintain accuracy. ... Handle objects with tongs, gloves, or weighing paper to prevent fingerprints.

2 Autoclave

Autoclave is used to sterilization of required instruments at high temperature and pressure inside the autoclave vessel.

3 Water distillation plant

Water distillation plant used to get distilled water. The tap water is vaporized at higher temperature and these vapors are condensed and finally obtain deionized water. The deionized water free from salt and impurities which might affect the chemical process.

4 Micro centrifuge machine

A centrifuge machine used to separate out different fluids, liquids on the basis of their densities under centrifugal forces. The sample which is to be centrifuged weighed in eppendorf precisely and then centrifuged on desired parameters.

5 Incubator

Incubator is used to incubate sample under sterilized dark conditions which provides a controlled environment for safe, reliable work with cell and tissue cultures by regulating conditions such as temperature, humidity, and CO2. Incubator also used to grow bacterial cell cultures.

6 Hot plate magnetic stirrer

Magnetic stirrer is used to stir sample at room temperature and high temperature. A hot plate magnetic stir bar is also used to mix a solution on a combined hot-plate magnetic-stirrer device. ... The magnetic field to cause a stir bar (or flea) immersed in a liquid to spin very quickly, thus stirring it.

7 Freeze dryer

Freeze dryer is used to lyophilize and dry those sample which are destroy or denatured at high temperature. Freeze dryer used interchangeably for freeze drying purpose and lyophilization.

8 Fermenter

Fermentor is used for the fermentation of culture media to produce a large number of products. Fermentation is a natural process which is done inside vessel by using similar conditions like oxygen, pH, stirring and temperature.

9 Scientific refrigerator

Scientific refrigerator is used to preserve those samples which are destroy at room temperature. Scientific refrigerator also prevent the freezing of sample by maintain its temperature.

10 Rotary evaporator

This modern style instrument features a digital heating bath and a motorized lifting jack. The rotary evaporator used to concentrate sample under vacuum conditions to prevent the loss of sample.

11 UV/VIS spectrophotometer

UV/Vis spectrophotometer is used in the quantitative determination of concentrations of the absorber in solutions of transition metal ions and highly conjugated organic compounds.

12 Vacuum oven

Vacuum ovens is very versatile equipment with a lot of its application in laboratory research, engineering, and industry. A vacuum drying oven is most often used for delicate drying processes, such as drying tiny parts or removing flammable solvents. The vacuum conditions minimize the oxidation reaction during drying.

13 pH Meter

PH meter, electric device used to measure hydrogen-ion activity (acidity or alkalinity) in solution. Fundamentally, a pH meter consists of a voltmeter attached to a pH-responsive electrode and a reference (unvarying) electrode.

14 Vortex mixer

A vortex shaker is a simple device used commonly in laboratories to mix small volumes of liquid thoroughly. It consists of an electric motor with the drive shaft oriented vertically and attached to a cupped rubber piece mounted slightly off-center.

15 Soxhlet extraction unit

Soxhlet extraction is used when the desired compound has a limited solubility in a solvent, and the impurity is insoluble in that solvent. It has a flask, an extraction chamber, and a condenser. It can be used for solid-liquid extractions. Soxhlet extraction also used recycling a small amount of solvent to dissolve a larger amount of material.

16 drying oven

Drying oven is for a variety of tasks including evaporation, sterilization, temperature testing, and for incubating temperature sensitive experiments. Drying is a delicate process as drying too fast, too slow, or unevenly can ruin an otherwise perfect process.

17 Vacuum filtration assembly

Vacuum filtration is a technique for separating a solid product from a liquid. The mixture of solid and liquid is poured through a filter paper in a Buchner funnel. The solid is trapped by the filter and the liquid is drawn through the funnel into the flask below, by a vacuum. Vacuum filtration process is more efficient process than normal filtration.

18 Visco meter

Viscometer. A viscometer (also called viscosimeter) is an instrument used to measure the viscosity of a fluid. For liquids with viscosities which vary with flow conditions, an instrument called a rheometer is used. Thus, a rheometer can be considered as a special type of viscometer.

19 Conductivity/TDS/Salinity meter

An electrical conductivity meter (EC meter) measures the electrical conductivity in a solution. It is commonly used in hydroponics, aquaculture, aquaponics, and fresh water systems to monitor the amount of nutrients, salts or impurities in water.

20 Contact angle meter

Contact angle used to determine hydrophobic nature of sample. Surface tension of liquid sample was also be checked.

21 Laminar air flow cabinet

A laminar flow cabinet is used to prevent the contamination of sample by cross air flow method. Air is drawn through a HEPA filter and blown in a very smooth, laminar flow towards the user.

22 Sonication bath

Sonication bath is used in ultrasonic cleaning and loosening particles adhering to surfaces

23 Orbital shaker

A shaker is used to mix, blend, or agitate cultures and substances in a falcon tube or flask by shaking them. A shaker contains an oscillating board that is used to place the flasks, beakers, or test tubes.

24 Fume Hood

A fume hood is used for the purposes of local ventilation purposes. Fume hood is designed to limit the exposure of hazardous or toxic fumes, vapors and dusts. It is advisable to use a fume hood when working with all hazardous substances.

25 Phase contrast microscope

Phase-contrast microscopy is an optical microscopic technique that converts phase shifts in light passing through a transparent specimen to brightness changes in the image. Phase shifts themselves are invisible, but become visible when shown as brightness variations.


Aims&Objectives: To impart basic and advanced knowledge in the field of Electrical, Electronics and specially in Digital electronics, and try to teach students to identify Basic and Advance problems in these fields. Following three are basic concepts of each lab.

  • First are the lab skills to be obtained
  • Second are fundamental concepts to be learned
  • Solving advance problems especially related to industries


Relevant Subject:

  • Electrical & Electronics Systems (EE-3111)
  • Digital Logic and Design (CSC-2072)
  • Basic Electronics (Ph-1004)
  • Electrical and electronic System (EE-2111)


List of Equipments: - This laboratory is equipped with the following equipments
Sr. No. EquipmentPicture
1 AC Generator

2 AC Series Motor

3 Universal Microcontroller Trainer

4 Bulb Hold Board

5 CRO Oscilloscope

6 Curve Tracer

7 DC Power Supply

8 Decade Capacitor

9 Digital Analog Trainer

10 Digital Multimeter

11 Digital Power Hi Tester

12 Function Generator

13 Motor Generator Set

14 Prototyping Board

15 RC Oscillator

16 Testing Bench

17 Transformer

18 Universal Development Platform

19 Universal Micro Controller Trainer

20 Universal Motor

21 Volt Meter

22 Watt Meter

Aims & Objectives:

The main objective of the lab is to understand the Art of Experimentation, Experimental and Analytical Skills, Conceptual Learning, Understanding the Basis of Knowledge in Chemistry, Developing Collaborative Learning Skills and Lab Safety rules.  

Along with the theoretical knowledge of Chemistry, lab equipment allows students to interact directly with the data gathered. They get a first-hand learning experience by performing various experiments on their own.

With the experience of lab work students will be able to demonstrate the ability to use experimental statistics to determine


List of Equipments: -This laboratory is equipped with the following equipments
Sr. No. Equipment General Description Picture
1 Fume Hood

A fume hood is a type of local ventilation device that is designed to limit exposure to hazardous or toxic fumes, vapors or dusts. It also protect the environment.

2 Electric Oven

The Memmert Universal Fan Oven range offers unparalleled precise, even and gentle temperature control. The fittings of this heating and drying oven are practically-oriented and their program functions are designed for a wide variety of applications. High quality materials and build give this range of ovens outstanding durability and reliability for the laboratory. Temperature range up to +220°C

3 Refractometer

It is used in order to identify a liquid sample, analyze the sample's purity and determine the amount or concentration of dissolved substances within the sample. As light passes through the liquid from the air it will slow down and create a ‘bending’ illusion, the severity of the ‘bend’ will depend on the amount of substance dissolved in the liquid

4 Rota Mental

Heating mantle ( made of glass yarn) IT withstands high temperature upto 350 degree C the body of the mantle is spun one piece from non-rusting Aluminum (upto 5.0 Ltrs capacity )duly stoving painted all heating mantles are lagged with special grade mineral wool With energy regulator and spare mantle.

5 Melting point apparatus

A melting-point apparatus is a scientific instrument used to determine the melting point of a substance

6 Magnetic stirrer Hotplate

Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer, and ideal essential device for laboratories A magnetic stirrer or magnetic mixer device that employs a rotating magnetic field to cause a stir immersed in a liquid to spin very quickly chemical reactions take place in glass vessels.

7 Soxhlet apparatus

Soxhlet extractor is a piece of laboratory apparatus designed for the extraction of a lipid from a solid material.

8 Weight Balance

Weighing scale (or weighing balance) is a device to measure weight or mass. also known as mass scales, weight scales, mass balance, weight balance, or simply scale, balance, or balance scale.

9 pH Meter

Scientific instrument that measures the hydrogen-ion activity in water-based solutions, indicating its acidity or alkalinity expressed as pH

10 Double distillation apparatus sz-93

Automatic dual pure water distiller, The water obtained through the secondary distillation has high purity, heater is made of quartz glass and has the advantages of energy saving, cleanliness, and longevity.

11 conductivity meter

Measures the electrical conductivity in a solution. It has multiple applications in research and engineering, with common usage in hydroponics, aquaculture, aquaponics, and freshwater systems to monitor the amount of nutrients, salts or impurities in the water.

Aims & Objectives:

Physical Chemistry research lab is designed to provide instrumentation on advanced level. It provides learning to the post graduate students/Researchers for development of analytical skills. Researchers can gain theoretical as well as practical knowledge of physical chemistry. Students are allowed to use as per standard procedures lab equipment’s. 

Students from different universities come here to complete their research work.


List of Equipments: -This laboratory is equipped with the following equipments
Sr. No. Equipment General Description Picture
1 pH meter

PH meter, electric device used to measure hydrogen-ion activity (acidity or alkalinity) in solution. Fundamentally, a pH meter consists of a voltmeter attached to a pH-responsive electrode and a reference (unvarying) electrode. It also measures dissolve oxygen and Total dissolved solids by changing the electrodes in water samples

2 Precise Shaking Water Bath

It is used for shaking the suspension with accurate temperature, revolution per minute for long time.

3 Hot plate magnetic stirrer

Magnetic stirrer is used to stir sample at room temperature and high temperature. A hot plate magnetic stir bar is also used to mix a solution on a combined hot-plate magnetic-stirrer device.The magnetic field to cause a stir bar (or flea) immersed in a liquid to spin very quickly, thus stirring it. It is also used for conducting potentiometric titrations at different temperatures.

4 Overhead Stirrer

It is high speed stirrer which can mix against high viscosity of a sample very efficiently.

5 Chromatographic Column with Pump

Expanded bed adsorption uses advantages for bioprocessing, including speed and scaleability. The solution is taken in column, optimize and after mixing insert into tubes for adsorption studies.

6 Drying Oven

7 Magnetic Stirrer Hot Plate

8 Melting Point Apparatus

9 Rotamantle

10 Water Distiller Plant

Contact Name: Dr. Nadeem Nasir
Position: Associate Professor / Chairman
Contact Telephone: +92-41-9230081-90 Ext:231
Contact Fax: +92 (41) 9230098
Office Address: Department of Applied Sciences, National Textile University , Faisalabad-37610, Pakistan
Email [email protected]