Financial Aid & Scholarships

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Introduction of Financial Aid Office

Since NTU’s inception, it has produced many talented students who are currently serving in Textile and other renowned industries within and outside Pakistan. As a part of alumni they felt their responsibility towards the NTU and have provided adequate funding in past. NTU itself has disbursed approx. Rs. 103 million in terms of scholarship / financial assistance to students since 2003. With the passage of time the funding from donor agencies got increased and made the management of these funds grim due to non-availability of proper Financial Aid Office. Meanwhile HEC was also focused on establishing of such offices in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) for management of scholarship / financial assistance matter. In pursuance of HEC’s instruction, NTU decided to establish a dedicated office for the purpose of managing the scholarship and matters related to financial assistance to students. Financial Aid Office has been established to facilitate those bright and deserving students who face hardship to pursue their higher studies due to financial constraint. The idea of establishing financial aid office is to provide maximum financial assistance / support (based on availability of resources) to bright and deserving students without compromising quality of education.


  • Financial Aid Office
  • Institutional Scholarship Award Committee (ISAC)
  • Advisor Students
  • Assistant Director (Financial Aid)
  • Assistant
  • Functions
Financial aid office performs different functions (but not limited to) which are appended below:
  • Management of existing scholarships / financial assistance.
  • Creating new opportunities of scholarships / financial assistance for students.
  • Develop linkages & collaborations with industries.
  • Receiving the scholarship / financial assistance applications from students.
  • Shortlisting student applications on the basis of approved criteria and availability of resources.
  • Perform scrutiny of applications / documents.
  • Prepare the cases of deserving and qualifying students for presenting it to the Institutional Scholarship Award Committee.
  • Disbursement of fund to deserving and qualifying students.
  • Maintain database of scholarships / financial assistance awarded to students.


Eligibility Criteria

The Batool Muzaffar Scholarship is open only to the full-time students’ needs financial assistance and having CGPA 3.0 and above to conduct his/her BS in any domain of offered programs by university (preferably Engineering).

Note: The eligibility of candidate is linked to above mentioned CGPA and neediness of the candidate as determined and assessed by the Financial Aid Office- Advisor Student Office keeping in view the financial background of the family of the applicant and subsequently approved by Batool Muzaffar Scholarship Management/Representative.

How To Apply

After getting admission on merit, students are advised to download Scholarship Application Form from NTU website and submit duly filled application along with required documents (List of required documents is attached with application form) in Advisor Student Office.

Application Form

Please click here for Batool Muzaffar Scholarship to be completed by the candidate


The nomination must include the original/copy of each of the following:

  • Income certificates of all earning members of the family – This includes salary slips for salaried persons, pension book for retired, financial statements/ income affidavit for self-employed, business and for any other income.
  • Utility Bills (last three months) – Electricity, Gas, PTCL, Water.
  • Rental Lease Agreement (if the residence or any other property is being leased for residence or business purposes or if excess property is leased to any other person/ party for income purposes).
  • Proof of outstanding loan as a liability (loan sanctioning document & payment plan) and loan receivable from any relative, financial institution, agency or organization.
  • Medical bills/ expenditure related documents (if any of the family member is suffering from any fatal/ serious disease). Please also provide a brief history of the medical ailment.
  • Property ownership documents (house, plots, agricultural land, flat, shops etc.). Allotment letter in case the property has been provided by the employer.
  • Vehicle(s) Registration documents of the vehicles being used by the family. Allotment letter in case the vehicle has been provided by the employer.
  • Domicile Certificate of the applicant only.
  • Copies of CNIC/ B – Form of Applicant and Parents/ Guardian.
  • Death Certificate, in case any of the parent has passed away.
  • Picture(s) of current residence (Outside & Inside View).
  • Any other document(s) demonstrating financial need.
Selection Procedure
  • Batool Muzaffar members and Advisor Office will review the applications and to suggest and recommend the student (s) as per CGPA and need based criteria after interviews.
What Does Scholarships Cover?
  • Full Tuition Fee + Other Dues + Hostel Dues with effect from allocation for whole period


Education beyond intermediate is one of the ways to overcome poverty. However, access to higher education is itself distributed very unevenly. For example, only 0.4% of the children from the lowest income quintile (from the relevant age cohort) are enrolled in higher education institutions, which is far below the national average of 10%. Ehsaas scholarships aim to eliminate this source of unequal access.

According to the National Human Development Report 2017, Pakistan is one of the youngest country in the world. Realizing its demographic reality which has a population of around 220 million out of which more than half are of university age cohort, the priority of Government of Pakistan is to work on such programs which give drive to provide access to financially deserving and also encourages gender equity. The strategy is to create opportunities for a sizeable segment of youth to bring them under the net of higher education and create equal education opportunities for all.

What Scholarship Covers:

Scholarship covers university tuition fee and stipend throughout four-five years of degree duration. It is a significant step to ensure affordable higher education in all major fields of education including agriculture, arts and humanities, business education, engineering, medical, physical sciences, and social sciences.

The Program covers funds for the following expenses:

  • University fee as per actual fee as per actual
  • Annual Stipend
Eligibility Criteria

The students must have:

  • Newly admitted students
  • Admissions secured on merit only. Merit means that the student has fulfilled the admission criteria of the institution in which he/she intends to study
  • Degree programs allowed by the HEC.
  • Age limit set by institution's regulations, i.e., the maximum age of the eligibility for the scholarship is the same as the maximum age for applying for admission in undergraduate programs at the HEI.
Ineligibility Conditions:

A student is ineligible for the scholarship if found

  • Availing any other scholarship or continuous grant
  • Enrolled in distant learning programs and affiliated colleges (both public/private )
  • Secured admission on self-sustain/ self-support/ self-finance basis, or in evening programs with higher fee structures
How To Apply

All students are required to apply through following HEC Online Application System:

  • click here

    After submission of the online application form of Ehsaas Undergraduate Scholarship Project , the applicant is required to take printout of the application form and attach following supporting documents:

    • Copy of applicant CNIC / B. Form
    • Copy of CNIC (Father, Mother/ Guardian)
    • Salary Slip / Income Certificate (Father/Guardian, Mother)
    • If father is Labourer on daily wage / shopkeeper / private job, then attach undertaking of Income Certificate on minimum amount of stamp paper of Rs. 50/-
    • Copies of last Six Month Utility Bills (Electricity, Gas, Telephone, Water) – (If applicable)
    • Copy of Rent agreement in case of Rented House
    • Copies of Last Fee Receipts of Applicant and Siblings (If applicable)
    • Copies of Medical bills/ expenditure related documents (if applicable)
    • 01 Passport size Photograph of Applicant
    • 01 Picture of House from outside Front
    • Important Note:The hard copy of the application form along with the supporting documents will be submitted to the Advisor Office- Student Financial Aid Office of the university only.
    • All students are required to apply through online system and SUBMIT the application form. Applications in the "Saved" mode will not be acceptable.
    • Applicants are required to submit hard copies of the application form along with the supporting documents to the financial aid office of the university by the given deadline.(list of supporting documents are specified on the website)
    • The Scrutiny Committee of the university will short list all candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria, based on the information provided in their applications, and who have provided all the information sought for under the rules such as proof of family income, assets, past academic record, age (where appropriate) etc.
    • Incomplete application form in any respect will be rejected.
    • The Institutional Scholarship Award Committee of the universities will interview/ recommend potential applicants for the award of scholarship.
    • Scholarship awardees will be asked to sign a deed of agreement on a stamp paper.
    • Financial Aid Office of the university shall issue the Final Scholarship Award Letter.
    • Awarded scholarship is not transferable to any other university/ academic program/ academic session.
    • Scholarship funding shall continue for next semester/ year subject to satisfactory academic performance.
    • Note: Students are advised to fill the online application form very carefully and provide authentic documentary proof of household income and expenditure for assessment and evaluation by the scholarship award committee. If, during any stage of degree program it is found that the Scholarship Awardee has provided false information in the application form/forged/tampered the application form or income certificate in order to secure the scholarship, the university will be liable to take strict disciplinary action as per rules which may include, but not limited to the refund of all scholarship funding.
    • Text Reference:
    Eligibility Criteria

    The students must have:

    • The applicant must be a Pakistani National
    • Students must secure admission in the approved discipline at the participating institution as per admission policy of the institution and be enrolled in Undergraduate ( 4Years or 5Years) program
    • The eligibility of a candidate is linked to neediness of the candidate as determined by the financial background of his/her family
    • Not availing any other educational scholarship during the current academic year
    How To Apply

    After getting admission on merit, students are advised to download Scholarship Application Form from NTU website and submit duly filled application along with required documents (List of required documents is attached with application form) in Advisor Student Office.

    Required Documents

    Attested Copies of

    • Academic documents copies
    • Applicant’s CNIC Copy/ B Form
    • Father’s / Guardian’s CNIC
    • Domicile (If not available then attach Father’s Domicile and slip of applied for the domicile)
    • Photographs (Two passport size)
    • Undertaking for Income Declaration (To be given on Rs.20-50 non-judicial stamp paper) (Annex-B)
    • Salary Slip / Income Certificate of Self/Father/Guardian
    • Application Form filled and signed by applicant
    • Certificate from institute that applicant is not availing any other scholarship for current academic session signed and stamped by institutional / department head/principal/Registrar on Letter Head. (Annex-A)
    • Proof of Hostel verified by Focal Person (Annex-C)
    • Download NEST Form (Annex-B) (Annex-C) (Annex-A) click here
    Selection Procedure

    The students will be interviewed by NEST ISAC to ensure the authenticity of the information and to cross check the data provided. Based on the review of data, interview of the candidates and, if required, interview with the parents and physical verification of the data. ISAC will recommend potential candidates in order of priority to NEST Scholarship Selection Committee (SSC). After the approval from NEST Scholarship Selection Committee, the approved selected applicants’ list will be enrolled in Scholarship MIS system as beneficiaries.

    • Minimum CGPA 3.00/4.00 in last semester
    • Students should have exemplary conduct record and must be free from any restriction / ban by the University Disciplinary Committee for availing scholarship schemes.
    • Students should not in receive any scholarship from other Agency / Source.
    • Download ACSP Form click here
    • Filled scholarship forms should reach in Graduate Office latest by February 22, 2019 (Friday)

    Eligibility Criteria

    The CHT Scholarships is open only to the full-time students’ needs financial assistance and having CGPA 3.0 and above to conduct his/her BS project in the domain of Textile Processing in following program:

    • BS Textile Engineering (Textile Processing only)

    Note: The eligibility of candidate is linked to above mentioned CGPA and neediness of the candidate as determined and assessed by the Institutional Scholarship Award Committee keeping in view the financial background of the family of the applicant and subsequently approved by CHT Scholarship Management Committee.

    How To Apply

    After getting admission on merit, students are advised to download Scholarship Application Form from NTU website and submit duly filled application along with required documents (List of required documents is attached with application form) in Advisor Student Office.

    Required Documents

    The nomination must include the original/copy of each of the following:

    • Income certificates of all earning members of the family – This includes salary slips for salaried persons, pension book for retired, financial statements/ income affidavit for self-employed, business and for any other income.
    • Utility Bills (last three months) – Electricity, Gas, PTCL, Water.
    • Rental Lease Agreement (if the residence or any other property is being leased for residence or business purposes or if excess property is leased to any other person/ party for income purposes).
    • Proof of outstanding loan as a liability (loan sanctioning document & payment plan) and loan receivable from any relative, financial institution, agency or organization.
    • Medical bills/ expenditure related documents (if any of the family member is suffering from any fatal/ serious disease). Please also provide a brief history of the medical ailment.
    • Property ownership documents (house, plots, agricultural land, flat, shops etc.). Allotment letter in case the property has been provided by the employer.
    • Vehicle(s) Registration documents of the vehicles being used by the family. Allotment letter in case the vehicle has been provided by the employer.
    • Domicile Certificate of the applicant only.
    • Copies of CNIC/ B – Form of Applicant and Parents/ Guardian.
    • Death Certificate, in case any of the parent has passed away.
    • Picture(s) of current residence (Outside & Inside View).
    • Any other document(s) demonstrating financial need.
    Selection Procedure

    CHT members and ISAC (Institutional Scholarship Award Committee) will review the applications and to suggest and recommend the students as per CGPA and need based criteria after interviews.

    What Does Scholarship Cover?
    • Full Tuition Fee + Other Dues + Hostel Dues with effect from allocation for whole period
    Eligibility Criteria

    The Interloop Scholarship is open only to full-time students who need financial assistance and have a CGPA 2.5 and above in the following programs:

    • BS Textile Engineering
    • BS Polymer Engineering
    • BS Textile Engineering Technology
    • BS Textile Management & Marketing
    • BS Textile & Apparel Merchandising
    • Bachelor of Textile Design

    The eligibility of the candidate is linked to above mentioned CGPA, and the neediness of the candidate as determined and assessed by the Industrial Scholarship Award Committee/HEC-NBS (ISAC) keeping in view the financial background of the family of the applicant and subsequently approved by the Interloop Scholarship Management Committee.

    Students who are not availing themselves of any other scholarship can apply.

    Students who do not have any scholarship restriction imposition by the Discipline Committee of NTU can apply.

    How To Apply?

    After getting admission on merit, students are advised to apply through the Scholarship Application Form, from the NTU website or get it from the Advisor Office and submit a duly filled application along with required documents (A list of required documents is attached with the application form).

    Required Documents

    The nomination must include the original/copy of each of the following:

    • One passport-size photo of the applicant
    • Income certificates of all earning members of the family. This includes salary slips for salaried persons, pension book for retired, financial statements/ income affidavit for self-employed, business, and any other income.
    • Utility Bills (last three months): Electricity, Gas, PTCL, Water.
    • Rental Lease Agreement (if the residence or any other property is being leased for residence or business purposes or if excess property is leased to any other person/ party for income purposes).
    • Proof of outstanding loan as a liability (loan sanctioning document and payment plan) and loan receivable from any relative, financial institution, agency, or organization.
    • Medical bills/expenditure-related documents (if any of the family members is suffering from any fatal/ serious disease). Please also provide a brief history of the medical ailment.
    • Property ownership documents (house, plots, agricultural land, flat, shops, etc.). Allotment letter in case the property has been provided by the employer.
    • Vehicle(s) Registration documents of the vehicles being used by the family. Allotment letter in case the vehicle has been provided by the employer.
    • Domicile Certificate of the applicant only.
    • Copies of CNIC/ B Form of Applicant and Parents/ Guardian.
    • Death Certificate, in case any of the parents has passed away.
    • Picture(s) of current residence (Outside & Inside View).
    • Picture(s) of shop (Outside & Inside View).
    • Any other document(s) demonstrating financial need.
    Selection Procedure

    The HEC-NBS ISAC or Industrial Scholarship Award Committee & or Advisor Office will review the applications and recommend the students as per CGPA and need-based criteria after interviews.

    What Does Scholarships Cover?

    Full Tuition Fee + Other Dues + Hostel Dues with effect from the allocation for the whole period

    • Continuation of Scholarship
    • Students will submit each semester's result to the Advisor Students Office. His/her scholarship for the next six months will only be released in a satisfactory quarterly report.
    • Discontinuation of Scholarship
    • University will have the right to cancel the scholarship of any student at any stage and recovery of all the received scholarship amount will be made by the awardee if:
      • - If the student concealed information in the application form and interview by ISAC.
      • - If the student willfully withdraws from the designated program/university after getting financial assistance of any amount.
      • - If the student found in getting another scholarship/ financial assistance in parallel with this financial assistance.
      • - If a student dropped from the university/ scholarship/ financial assistance or disciplinary grounds on poor academic progress.
      • - If a student is found to submit any bogus/ fabricated document.

    Turkish Universities Covered

    • Marmara University
    • Uludag University
    • Bursa Technical University
    • KOC University
    • Any other University with Department in Textile/ Materials
    Eligibility Criteria

    The fellowship is open only to the full-time students of National Textile University to conduct BS Thesis/internship of summer semester (2 months) at Turkish University. Students of NTU must fulfill the following eligibility criteria:

    • BS Textile Engineering
    • BS Polymer Engineering
    • CGPA of Candidate must be ▁(>) 3.0
    • Student must be in his/her 5th semester of study with exemplary previous academic record.
    • Students should have exemplary conduct record and must be free from any restriction / ban the university disciplinary committee for availing scholarship schemes.
    • Student should not be receiving any other scholarship from other funding agencies.
    • A student who is already receiving a scholarship / stipend / financial assistance / salary etc. from any source (s) will not be eligible for scholarship (excluding NTU Merit Scholarship).
    • Employees/Contractors/Suppliers of NTU & Interloop Limited and their Relatives will not be eligible for this scholarship grant.
    How To Apply

    Every year Office of DEAN SET will advertise INTERLOOP SCHOLAR AWARD (provided by funding agency) on University�s website / notice boards. Potential and willing candidates having CGPA > 3.0 are eligible to submit applications to the office of Mr. Hassan Iftekhar Ahmed (Coordinator), Lecturer Textile Engineering Department, SET. One (01) Scholarship Grant every year will be awarded to the student after getting approval from funding agency.

    Required Documents

    The nomination must include the original of each of the following:

    • Application Form (Link)
    • Resume (consisting existing project and contributions)
    • Research proposal (Containing introduction of subject, literature review, research gap, objectives, material and methods, outcome and timeline)
    • Acceptance Letter / Email from a Turkish University
    • Interim Transcript
    Selection Procedure
    • Student will be responsible for taking acceptance letter from the Turkish university and submit application to office of Dean SET.
    • NTU will scrutinize applications and shortlist candidates based on merit and interview will be conducted of the selected candidates.
    • NTU will forward three names on merit to Interloop Ltd. Interloop Ltd will finally select one student from the suggested three names for award of scholarship and share the name with NTU.
    What Does Scholarship Cover?
    • Estimated amount of Scholarship will be approximately Rs. 450,000/-
    • Travelling Expenses (Return Air Ticket), Rs. 200,000/-
    • An amount of 6750 Turkish Lira (TL) for one semester of four and half months which include staying, living and other miscellaneous expenses.
    Application Deadline

    Applications must reach office of Mr. Hassan Iftekhar Ahmed (2nd Floor SET, Lecturer, Textile Engineering Dept.) by 15th March 2024.


    For any questions, please contact Mr. Hassan Iftekhar Ahmed (Coordinator).

    To recognize the academic achievements of students and to create a competitive academic environment among students, merit scholarship has been introduced which are offered in every semester.

    Eligibility Criteria

    Regular students are eligible for merit scholarship based on the approved criteria:

    • First, Second & Third position holders of a class with a minimum CGPA 3.50.
    • In case there are more than one student who gets same score, then the decision will be made on percentage marks of student. If percentage marks are also found equal then both students are eligible for merit scholarship.
    • There should be no pending disciplinary case against the student.
    • Student should be regular in class and has not fail in any course / subject in previous semester.
    What Does Scholarship Cover?
    • 1st Position: 100% Tuition Fee Waiver in next semester.
    • 2nd Position: 75% Tuition Fee Waiver in next semester.
    • 3rd Position: 50% Tuition Waiver in next semester.
    Selection Procedure

    For merit scholarship the top position holders of the class are selected by examination department on the basis of GPA in current semester.

    HEC Funded Scholarship for needy and deserving students. Eligibility Criteria

    The eligibility of candidate is linked to neediness of the candidate as determined and assessed by the Institutional Scholarship Award Committee keeping in view the financial background of the family of the applicant and subsequently approved by HEC’s Scholarship Management Committee.

    How to Apply?

    After getting admission on merit, students are advised to download Scholarship Application Form from NTU website and submit duly filled application along with required documents (List of required documents is attached with application form) in Advisor Student Office.

    Required Documents
    • Income certificates of all earning members of the family – This includes salary slips for salaried persons, pension book for retired, financial statements/ income affidavit for self-employed, business and for any other income.
    • Utility Bills (last three months) – Electricity, Gas, PTCL, Water.
    • Rental Lease Agreement (if the residence or any other property is being leased for residence or business purposes or if excess property is leased to any other person/ party for income purposes).
    • Proof of outstanding loan as a liability (loan sanctioning document & payment plan) and loan receivable from any relative, financial institution, agency or organization.
    • Medical bills/ expenditure related documents (if any of the family member is suffering from any fatal/ serious disease). Please also provide a brief history of the medical ailment.
    • Property ownership documents (house, plots, agricultural land, flat, shops etc). Allotment letter in case the property has been provided by the employer.
    • Vehicle(s) Registration documents of the vehicles being used by the family. Allotment letter in case the vehicle has been provided by the employer.
    • Domicile Certificate of the applicant only.
    • Copies of CNIC/ B – Form of Applicant and Parents/ Guardian.
    • Death Certificate, in case any of the parent has passed away.
    • Picture(s) of current residence (Outside & Inside View).
    • Any other document(s) demonstrating financial need.
    Selection Procedure

    What Does Scholarship Cover?

    100% Tuition Fee Plus Stipend Rs. 6,000/- per month.

    MORA Scholarship is designed by Ministry of Religious Affairs for needy students from District Zakat Fund.

    Eligibility Criteria

    The student must belong to a poor family background and must be entitled for Zakat.

    How to Apply?

    The eligible student may download the MORA Scholarship Form from website and submit the duly filled form to Advisor Student Office before cutoff date (Dates would be announced through notice board and website). Before submission of form, the student must ensure that the form is signed from concerned District Zakat and Usher Committee.

    Required Documents

    The attested Photocopies of the following documents must be attached with Application form:

    • Parents/Guardian CNIC
    • Applicant’s CNIC or Form-B
    • Educational Certificates
    Selection Procedure

    What Does Scholarships Cover?
    • For Engineering Student: Rs. 18,000/- per year.
    • For Non-Engineering: Student: Rs. 12,000/- per year.

    The scholarships are being offered under the supervision of Punjab Educational Endowment Fund (PEEF) which was started in 2008 by Chief Minister of Punjab. The basic purpose behind established Punjab Educational Endowment Fund (PEEF) is to provide scholarships to talented and needy students who aren’t able to pursue their higher education due to financial constraints. Scholarships are not only granted to the students of Punjab but also to the residence of Gilgit Baltistan, AJK, Islamabad and FATA.

    Eligibility Criteria
    • The students must have: Passed Intermediate annual examination held by Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE), Punjab or Federal Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education (FBISE), Islamabad in exact previous examination.
    • Declared monthly income of parents/guardian (from all sources) is Rs. 15,000/or less.
    • For Special Quota Scholarships, the student must fall in at least one of the S.Q categories.
    • Not availing any other educational scholarship during the respective current academic year.
    • Secured admission in a regular educational institution as a full-time student in the current academic year.
    What Does Scholarship Cover?

    Rs. 3,000/- Stipend per academic month for Day Scholar & Rs. 5,000/- per academic month for Hostelide.

    Eligibility Criteria

    The Kamal Mills Scholarships is open only to the full-time students’ needs financial assistance and having CGPA 2.75 and above in the following programs:

    • BS Textile Engineering
    • BS Textile Management & Marketing or BS Apparel and Merchandizing or BBA
    • Bachelor of Textile Design

    The eligibility of candidate is linked to above mentioned CGPA and neediness of the candidate as determined and assessed by the Institutional Scholarship Award Committee keeping in view the financial background of the family of the applicant and subsequently approved by Kamal Mills Scholarship Management Committee.

    How To Apply

    After getting admission on merit, students are advised to download Scholarship Application Form from NTU website or Advisor Office and submit duly filled application along with required documents (List of required documents is attached with application form) in Advisor Student Office.

    Application Form please click here for Kamal Mills to be completed by the candidate

    Required Documents

    The nomination must include the original/copy of each of the following:

    • One passport size photo of applicant
    • Income certificates of all earning members of the family – This includes salary slips for salaried persons, pension book for retired, financial statements/ income affidavit for self-employed, business and for any other income.
    • Utility Bills (last three months) – Electricity, Gas, PTCL, Water.
    • Rental Lease Agreement (if the residence or any other property is being leased for residence or business purposes or if excess property is leased to any other person/ party for income purposes).
    • Proof of outstanding loan as a liability (loan sanctioning document & payment plan) and loan receivable from any relative, financial institution, agency or organization.
    • Medical bills/ expenditure related documents (if any of the family member is suffering from any fatal/ serious disease). Please also provide a brief history of the medical ailment.
    • Property ownership documents (house, plots, agricultural land, flat, shops etc.). Allotment letter in case the property has been provided by the employer.
    • Vehicle(s) Registration documents of the vehicles being used by the family. Allotment letter in case the vehicle has been provided by the employer.
    • Domicile Certificate of the applicant only.
    • Copies of CNIC/ B – Form of Applicant and Parents/ Guardian.
    • Death Certificate, in case any of the parent has passed away.
    • Picture(s) of current residence (Outside & Inside View).
    • Any other document(s) demonstrating financial need.
    Selection Procedure

    ISAC (Institutional Scholarship Award Committee) & or Advisor Office will review the applications and to suggest and recommend the students as per CGPA and need based criteria after interviews. What Does Scholarships Cover?

    Full Tuition Fee + Other Dues + Hostel Dues with effect from allocation for whole period

    Continuation of Scholarship

    Student will submit each semester result to Advisor Students Office. His/her scholarship for next six months will only be released on satisfactory quarterly report.

    Discontinuation of Scholarship

    University will have right to cancel scholarship of any student at any stage and recovery of all the received scholarship amount will be made by awardee if:

    • If student concealed information in application from and ISAC;
    • If student wilfully withdraw from the designated program/university after getting financial assistance of any amount;
    • If student found in getting another scholarship/ financial assistance in parallel with this financial assistance
    • If student dropped from the university/ scholarship/ financial assistance or disciplinary grounds on poor academic progress
    • If student found to submit any bogus/ fabricated document
    Eligibility Criteria

    The CBL Scholarships is open only to the full-time students’ needs financial assistance and having CGPA 2.75 and above in the domain of BS Textile Engineering.


    The eligibility of candidate is linked to above mentioned CGPA and neediness of the candidate as determined and assessed by the Institutional Scholarship Award Committee keeping in view the financial background of the family of the applicant and subsequently approved by CBL Scholarship Management Committee.

    How To Apply

    After getting admission on merit, students are advised to download Scholarship Application Form from NTU website or Advisor Office and submit duly filled application along with required documents (List of required documents is attached with application form) in Advisor Student Office.

    Application Form please click here for CBL to be completed by the candidate

    Required Documents

    The nomination must include the original/copy of each of the following:

    • One passport size photo of applicant
    • Income certificates of all earning members of the family – This includes salary slips for salaried persons, pension book for retired, financial statements/ income affidavit for self-employed, business and for any other income.
    • Utility Bills (last three months) – Electricity, Gas, PTCL, Water.
    • Rental Lease Agreement (if the residence or any other property is being leased for residence or business purposes or if excess property is leased to any other person/ party for income purposes).
    • Proof of outstanding loan as a liability (loan sanctioning document & payment plan) and loan receivable from any relative, financial institution, agency or organization.
    • Medical bills/ expenditure related documents (if any of the family member is suffering from any fatal/ serious disease). Please also provide a brief history of the medical ailment.
    • Property ownership documents (house, plots, agricultural land, flat, shops etc.). Allotment letter in case the property has been provided by the employer.
    • Vehicle(s) Registration documents of the vehicles being used by the family. Allotment letter in case the vehicle has been provided by the employer.
    • Domicile Certificate of the applicant only.
    • Copies of CNIC/ B – Form of Applicant and Parents/ Guardian.
    • Death Certificate, in case any of the parent has passed away.
    • Picture(s) of current residence (Outside & Inside View).
    • Any other document(s) demonstrating financial need.
    Selection Procedure

    ISAC (Institutional Scholarship Award Committee) & or Advisor Office will review the applications and to suggest and recommend the students as per CGPA and need based criteria after interviews. What Does Scholarships Cover?

    Full Tuition Fee + Other Dues + Hostel Dues with effect from allocation for whole period

    Continuation of Scholarship

    Student will submit each semester result to Advisor Students Office. His/her scholarship for next six months will only be released on satisfactory quarterly report.

    Discontinuation of Scholarship

    University will have right to cancel scholarship of any student at any stage and recovery of all the received scholarship amount will be made by awardee if:

    • If student concealed information in application from and ISAC;
    • If student wilfully withdraw from the designated program/university after getting financial assistance of any amount;
    • If student found in getting another scholarship/ financial assistance in parallel with this financial assistance
    • If student dropped from the university/ scholarship/ financial assistance or disciplinary grounds on poor academic progress
    • If student found to submit any bogus/ fabricated document

    Eligibility Criteria

    The Saqadat Limited is open only to the full-time students’ needs financial assistance and having CGPA 2.5 and above in the domain of BS Textile Engineering and BS Textile & Apparel Merchandising / any other

    Note: The eligibility of candidate is linked to above mentioned CGPA and neediness of the candidate as determined and assessed by the Advisor Students Office or/and Institutional Scholarship Award Committee keeping in view the financial background of the family of the applicant and subsequently approved by Saqadat Limited Scholarship Management Committee.

    How To Apply?

    After getting admission on merit, students are advised to download Scholarship Application Form from NTU website or Advisor Students Office and submit duly filled application along with required documents (List of required documents is attached with application form) in Advisor Student Office.

    Application Form please click here for Saqadat Limited be completed by the candidate

    Required Documents

    The nomination must include the original/copy of each of the following:

    • One passport size photo of applicant
    • Income certificates of all earning members of the family – This includes salary slips for salaried persons, pension book for retired, financial statements/ income affidavit for self-employed, business and for any other income.
    • Utility Bills (last three months) – Electricity, Gas, PTCL, Water.
    • Rental Lease Agreement (if the residence or any other property is being leased for residence or business purposes or if excess property is leased to any other person/ party for income purposes).
    • Proof of outstanding loan as a liability (loan sanctioning document & payment plan) and loan receivable from any relative, financial institution, agency or organization.
    • Medical bills/ expenditure related documents (if any of the family member is suffering from any fatal/ serious disease). Please also provide a brief history of the medical ailment.
    • Property ownership documents (house, plots, agricultural land, flat, shops etc.). Allotment letter in case the property has been provided by the employer.
    • Vehicle(s) Registration documents of the vehicles being used by the family. Allotment letter in case the vehicle has been provided by the employer.
    • Domicile Certificate of the applicant only.
    • Copies of CNIC/ B – Form of Applicant and Parents/ Guardian.
    • Death Certificate, in case any of the parent has passed away.
    • Picture(s) of current residence (Outside & Inside View).
    • Any other document(s) demonstrating financial need.
    Selection Procedure

    ISAC (Institutional Scholarship Award Committee) & or Advisor Students Office will review the applications and to suggest and recommend the students as per CGPA and need based criteria after interviews.

    What Does Scholarships Cover?

    Full Tuition Fee + Other Dues + Hostel Dues with effect from allocation for whole period

    Continuation of Scholarship

    Student will submit each semester result to Advisor Students Office. His/her scholarship for next six months will only be released on satisfactory quarterly report.

    Discontinuation of Scholarship

    University will have right to cancel scholarship of any student at any stage and recovery of all the received scholarship amount will be made by awardee if:

    • If student concealed information in application from and ISAC;
    • If student willfully withdraw from the designated program/university after getting financial assistance of any amount;
    • If student found in getting another scholarship/ financial assistance in parallel with this financial assistance
    • If student dropped from the university/ scholarship/ financial assistance or disciplinary grounds on poor academic progress
    • If student found to submit any bogus/ fabricated document
    Eligibility Criteria

    The Beacon Impex Private Limited Need-cum-Merit Scholarship is open only to the full-time female students of below listed programs:

    a) BS Textile Engineering,

    b) BS Textile Engineering & Technology,

    c) BS Apparel Manufacturing.

    Students are having CGPA of 2.75 can apply only. First-semester female students can also apply subject to fulfilling minimum merit criteria. They must secure a 2.75 SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) in the first semester.


    The eligibility of candidate is linked to above mentioned CGPA and neediness of the candidate as determined and assessed by the Industrial Scholarship Award Committee keeping in view the financial background of the family of the applicant and subsequently approved by Beacon Impex Private Limited Need-cum-Merit Scholarship Management Committee.

    How to Apply?

    After getting admission on merit, students are advised to download Scholarship Application Form from NTU website or get it from Advisor Office and submit duly filled application along with required documents (List of required documents is attached with application form) in Advisor Student Office.

    Application Form please click here:

    Beacon Impex Private Limited Need-cum-Merit Scholarship

    Required Documents

    The nomination must include the original/copy of each of the following:

    • One passport size photo of applicant
    • Income certificates of all earning members of the family – This includes salary slips for salaried persons, pension book for retired, financial statements/ income affidavit for self-employed, business and for any other income.
    • Utility Bills (last three months) – Electricity, Gas, PTCL, Water.
    • Rental Lease Agreement (if the residence or any other property is being leased for residence or business purposes or if excess property is leased to any other person/ party for income purposes).
    • Proof of outstanding loan as a liability (loan sanctioning document & payment plan) and loan receivable from any relative, financial institution, agency or organization.
    • Medical bills/ expenditure related documents (if any of the family member is suffering from any fatal/ serious disease). Please also provide a brief history of the medical ailment.
    • Property ownership documents (house, plots, agricultural land, flat, shops etc.). Allotment letter in case the property has been provided by the employer.
    • Vehicle(s) Registration documents of the vehicles being used by the family. Allotment letter in case the vehicle has been provided by the employer.
    • Domicile Certificate of the applicant only.
    • Copies of CNIC/ B – Form of Applicant and Parents/ Guardian.
    • Death Certificate, in case any of the parent has passed away.
    • Picture(s) of current residence (Outside & Inside View).
    • Any other document(s) demonstrating financial need.
    Selection Procedure

    Industrial Scholarship Award Committee & or Advisor Office will review the applications and to recommend/select the students as per CGPA and need based criteria after interviews.

    What Does Scholarships Cover?

    Full Tuition Fee + Other Dues + Hostel Dues with effect from allocation for whole period

    Continuation of Scholarship

    Student will submit each semester result to Advisor Students Office. His/her scholarship for next six months will only be released on satisfactory quarterly report.

    Discontinuation of Scholarship

    University will have right to cancel scholarship of any student at any stage and recovery of all the received scholarship amount will be made by awardee if:

    • If student concealed information in application from and ISAC;
    • If student willfully withdraw from the designated program/university after getting financial assistance of any amount;
    • If student found in getting another scholarship/ financial assistance in parallel with this financial assistance
    • If student dropped from the university/ scholarship/ financial assistance or disciplinary grounds on poor academic progress
    • If student found to submit any bogus/ fabricated document
    Eligibility Criteria

    The Iqbal Begum and Bashir Begum Need-Based Scholarship is open only to full-time students who need financial assistance and fulfill the following:

    a) have a CGPA of 2.5 and above.

    b) Admitted in BS in the domain of offered programs by the School of Engineering and Technology preferably for Textile Engineering students to conduct his/her BS program at National Textile University.


    The eligibility of the candidate is linked to above mentioned CGPA, and the neediness of the candidate as determined and assessed by the Financial Aid Office- Advisor Student Office keeping in view the financial background of the family of the applicant and subsequently approved by Scholarship Management/Representative (ISAC).

    How to Apply?

    After getting admission on merit, students are advised to download the Scholarship Application Form from the NTU website and submit a duly filled application along with required documents (A list of required documents is attached with the application form) in the Advisor Student Office.

    Required Documents:

    The nomination must include the original/copy of each of the following:

    • Income certificates of all earning members of the family � This includes salary slips for salaried persons, pension book for retired, financial statements/ income affidavit for self-employed, business, and any other income.
    • Utility Bills (last three months) � Electricity, Gas, PTCL, Water.
    • Rental Lease Agreement (if the residence or any other property is being leased for residence or business purposes or if excess property is leased to any other person/ party for income purposes).
    • Proof of outstanding loan as a liability (loan sanctioning document and payment plan) and loan receivable from any relative, financial institution, agency, or organization.
    • Medical bills/expenditure-related documents (if any of the family members is suffering from any fatal/ serious disease). Please also provide a brief history of the medical ailment.
    • Property ownership documents (house, plots, agricultural land, flat, shops, etc.). Allotment letter in case the property has been provided by the employer.
    • Vehicle(s) Registration documents of the vehicles being used by the family. Allotment letter in case the vehicle has been provided by the employer.
    • Domicile Certificate of the applicant only.
    • Copies of CNIC/ B � Form of Applicant and Parents/ Guardian.
    • Death Certificate, in case any of the parents has passed away.
    • Picture(s) of current residence (Outside & Inside View).
    • Picture(s) of shop (Outside & Inside View) with prominent information.
    • Any other document(s) demonstrating financial need.
    Selection Procedure:

    The Advisor Students Office /ISAC will review the applications and suggest and recommend the student (s) as per CGPA and need-based criteria after interviews.

    What Does Scholarships Cover?

    Full (100%) Tuition Fee only with effect from allocation for whole period.

    Post Graduates

    PEEF has allocated 20% of its annual scholarship quota for Master Level Education. These scholarships are awarded to talented and deserving students enrolled in Partner Universities / Govt. Post graduate colleges of the Punjab. PEEF scholarships are awarded till the completion of the degree course the student is enrolled. However, if the student fails to maintain the required / satisfactory academic performance level, or is involved in any non-disciplinary act; the University/ Govt. Post Graduate College and / or the PEEF, reserve the right to cancel the scholarship award.

    Eligibility Criteria

    In order to be considered eligible for PEEF Master level scholarships; the student must fulfill the following eligibility criteria.

    The student must have:
    • Punjab domicile
    • Secured at least 60% marks or a minimum CGPA 2.5 in BA/ B.Sc. / B.COM/ BS/ BBA etc. examination held in in Punjab.
    • Secured admission as a full-time student in the current academic year in one of the partner University / Govt. Post Graduate College.
    • Students enrolled in spring/fall session (where applicable) and morning/ afternoon / evening sessions (where applicable) are also eligible to apply for PEEF Masters scholarships.
    • Declared monthly income of parents (from all sources) is equal to or less than Rs. 30,000/-
    • Children of Govt. employees in BPS 1-4 are exempted from condition of income, if salary is only source of income.
    • Not availing any other educational scholarship during the current academic year.
    • Besides fulfilling PEEF eligibility criteria, the prospective student must qualify the merit and need criteria of the University.

    Following students are not eligible for PEEF Masters level Scholarship:

    • Students who have already passed / possessed M.A / M.Sc. / M.S / M.Phil. etc. degree.
    • Marks improvers or students who have passed examination in supplementary session.
    • Students who have passed the aforementioned examination with grace marks.
    How to Apply?

    PEEF has allocated scholarship quotas to all the partner universities and all government post graduate colleges of Punjab.

    Please download the scholarship application form from PEEF website and submit the duly filled scholarship application form to respective university / post graduate college (the scholarship application forms can also be requested from the Advisor Student Office of the respective university / office of the principal of post graduate college)

    Scholarship application forms submitted directly to PEEF shall not be entertained.
    • Required Documents
    • Stamp paper of Rs. 50, Income Affidavit (As per Given Sample) with parents’ signature.
    • Attested copy of salary slip / pension book in case of serving / retired government servants.
    • Attested copy of Bachelor’s Degree / Marks Sheet / Transcript.
    • Two Passport Size pictures (Blue Background).
    • In case of out-stationed student, attested copy of Hostel certificate issued by Hostel Warden / Superintendent.
    • In case of special quota, relevant documents / certificates.
    • Attested copies of parents’ CNIC.
    • If the candidate is already getting PEEF scholarship, PEEF Code must be provided along with application form.
    Selection Procedure

    PEEF selects deserving students on the basis of approved criteria.

    What Does Scholarship Cover?
    • Following monthly scholarship stipend rates are admissible for the year 2017-18
    • Payment of 100% tuition fees (As per PEEF Master’s level scholarship policy)
    • PEEF will also pay scholarship stipend to the selected scholars at the following rates:
      1. Day scholar PKR. 3,000/- per month.
      2. Boarder PKR. 5,000/- per month.

    Eligibility Criteria

    Under the scheme the students are eligible to apply for loans provided:

    • Student has obtained admission on merit through normal course/procedure in NTU.
    • Student falls at the time of admission within the age bracket of:
    • For Graduation Not exceeding 21 Years
    • For Post-Graduation Not exceeding 31 Years
    • For PhD Not exceeding 36 Years
    • Student has secured 70% marks in the last public examination.
    • Student has undertaken the study of the subjects given below.
    • Student is unable to pursue studies due to financial constraints.
    • Repayment

    The maximum period of repayment of loan is 10-Years from the date of disbursement of first installment. The borrower shall repay the loan in monthly installment after six months from the date of first employment or one year from the date of completion of studies, whichever is earlier.

    How to Apply?
    • Application Forms are available from the designated branches mentioned above or may be downloaded from National Bank of Pakistan website
    • The students desirous of availing loan under the Scheme may apply on prescribed form for financial assistance subject to he or she has got admission on merit through normal procedure in the Universities / Colleges afore-mentioned.
    • Applicants are required to submit/send their applications on the prescribed form, duly completed in all respect, to the designated branches indicated against each University/College by the given date. Incomplete application shall not be entertained.
    • Students who have availed this facility in the last / previous year(s) need not to apply.
    Required Documents
    1. Two Photographs of Student attested by not below the rank of BPS-17.
    2. Attested photocopies of Fee Challan raised/demanded by the Educational Institution and Boarding expenses (excluding meal charges).
    3. Income certificate from the employer i.e. Government / Semi Government / Private Service.
    4. Income Certificate from the area counselor of the Union Counsel i.e. for self employed.
    Attested photocopies of: –
    1. Domicile
    2. Computerized N.I.C of Parents and Students.
    3. Secondary School Certificate
    4. Higher Secondary Certificate
    5. Degree(s)
    6. Marks Sheet/Transcript (Last Examination)
    7. A certificate (in original) from the Rector / Principal / Registrar of the concerned University Letter Head confirming date of admission and completion date of study.
    8. Four un-stamped self-addressed envelope (Permanent & Hostel Address) (size 5 X 11).
    Selection Procedure

    National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) invites applications from needy students every year through notification and advertisement on their website. Students applying for interest free loan submit dully filled application form in designated branches of NBP and NBP reserves the right to select / not to select any student without mentioning any reason.

    What Does Scholarships Cover?

    The loan facility will be available for entire duration of the study for:-

    • Schedule Fee
    • Boarding expenses excluding meal charges
    • Procurement of textbooks

    Through this scheme the Ihsan Trust bears the educational expenses of the students on purely “Need cum Merit” basis in order to enable them to complete their Higher Education.

    Eligibility Criteria
    • Total number of family members, dependents and their status.
    • Number of students in the family and the status of institutions in which they are studying.
    • Residence and accommodation status
    • Pattern of family’s spending
    • Other financial support available from family or relatives
    • Student belongs to a low income family / study expenses of other siblings are more than income of family.

    The repayment policy for the Qarz-e-Hasna is as follows:

    • The amount of Qarz-e-Hasna sanctioned to the selected student depends on need and eligibility.
    • During the study period, the student has to pay a nominal, token repayment amount (depending upon the financial position of the candidates, his/her parents/guardians monthly income) to the Ihsan Trust as repayment.
    • After the completion of his/her education, the repayment amount for the Qarz-e-Hasna is to be adjusted according to the income of the student
    Selection Procedure
    • The Institutional Scholarship Award Committee (ISAC) of NTU initially select and shortlist the candidates for this scheme. The cases are then forwarded to the Ihsan Trust which after proper analysis of the documents then conducts the interviews of the candidates to assess their exact need and requirement of financial assistance.
    • The managing trustees then finally approves the student for this Qarz-e-Hasna facility.
    What Does Scholarships Cover?
    • Admission Fee

    NEST is a public non-profit organization which is providing financial assistance for deserving and talented MS & PhD students who are incapable to continue higher education due to financial limitations.

    Title of NEST Scholarships
    • IQBAL scholarship is for MS/MPhil
    • JINNAH scholarship is for PhD
    Eligibility Criteria
    • MS & PhD Students from engineering (Textile and ICT) category only.
    • Students enrolled in Fall 2018 semester only.
    • The applicant must be a Pakistani/AJK National.
    • High academic achievement.
    • Students must secure admission in the approved institution as per admission policy and be enrolled in graduate (1.5 Years or 2 Years) and Doctoral (3.5 years) programs.
    • Only those students who are enrolled in first semester/professional year in the respective courses offered by the participating institutions are eligible to apply.
    • The eligibility of a candidate is linked to neediness of the candidate as determined by the financial background of his/her family.
    • Applicant must be from Least Developed District of Pakistan.
    • The age limit should not exceed from 35 years for MS/MPhil (18 years) and PhD programs.
    • The applicant must have completed 16 years Bachelors/or equivalent Degree for application in MS/MPhil (Postgraduate Program).
    • The applicant must have completed 18 years Degree/or equivalent for application in PhD Program.
    • In case of final selection, candidate has to submit a bond agreement and will not be allowed to withdraw from the scholarship.
    • Not availing any other educational scholarship during the current academic year.
    • 20 % Punjab
    • 20% Baluchistan
    • 20% Sindh
    • 20 % KP
    • 5 % ICT
    • 5 % GB
    • 5% AJK
    • 5% FATA
    • Special 2 % overall quota for disable persons
    Ho​w To Apply?
    • Download and Fill the Application Form
    • To download form for Iqbal Scholarship (MS Students) please click here
    • To download form for Jinnah Scholarship (PhD Students) please click ​here
    • Submit the Filled Form in Advisor Students Office before closing date as announced through notices.
    Selection Procedure
    • Advisor Students Office will ensure presence of the students for an interview by the Institutional Scholarship Award Committee. The schedule & venue of interview will be announced shortly.
    • NTU carries the discretion to physically verify facts stated by the candidate while applying for financial aid at any point of time during the academic life cycle at NTU. It may include a visit to house/ business premises or inquiry from the surrounding neighbors. ​
    • Providing false information may lead to cancellation of admission

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    Eligibility Criteria

    The fellowship is open only to the full time students having CGPA greater than 3.0 to conduct MS thesis at National Textile University in following disciplines:

    • MS Textile Engineering.
    • MS Advanced Materials Engineering.
    How to Apply?

    Every year two areas of research will be advertised on University’s website / notice boards by the Office of Graduate Studies & Research. Potential candidates must contact a supervisor who is willing to supervise and nominate the student. The supervisor will submit the nomination to Office of Graduate Studies & Research. Two (02) fellowships every year will be awarded to the student after getting approval from funding agency.

    Required Documents

    The nomination must include the original of each of the following:

    • Application form for MSRDF to be completed by the candidate.
    • Contributions and statements (attachments).
    • The research proposal is normally completed by the nominating supervisor and co-signed by the candidate. If the candidate participates in writing the proposal, a statement should be added explaining the nature of the candidate’s contribution (this may be included within the detailed project proposal).
    • Research proposal will contain introduction of subject, literature review, research gap, objectives, materials & methods, outcomes, cost & timelines.
    Selection Procedure

    Midas Safety will review the project proposals and inform the university about accepted projects. The review will be based on following points:

    • Research ability or potential (70%).
    • Communication, interpersonal & leadership abilities (30%). ​
    • Once the candidate is selected for the fellowship then he / she will submit quarterly reports signed by supervisor to Office of Graduate Studies & Research. His / Her fellowship for next three months will only be released on satisfactory report.
    What Does Scholarships Cover?
    • Stipend will be paid for 12 months @ 20,000/- per month.
    • Expenses for the purchase of materials for R and D.

    Eligibility Criteria

    • The student shall be deputed to the assigned projects of Tanveer Mir Rubber Pvt. Ltd. (if applicable) to conduct his / her MS studies / thesis at National Textile University.
    • The scholarship is open only to the full time students having CGPA greater than 3.0 in following disciplines:
      1. MS Advanced Materials Engineering
      2. MS Polymer Engineering
    • Students should have exemplary conduct record and must be free from any restriction / ban the university disciplinary committee for availing scholarship schemes.
    • Student should not be receiving any other scholarship from other funding agencies.
    How to Apply?

    Every year two areas of research will be advertised on University’s website / notice boards by the Office of Graduate Studies & Research. Potential candidates will apply for the scholarship program through Office of Graduate Studies & Research. Tanveer Mir Rubber (Pvt.) Ltd. Will conduct interviews of available candidates and will select two (02) students every year for the TMSP.

    Required Documents

    The nomination must include the original of each of the following:

    • Application Form please click here for TMSP to be completed by the candidate
    • Shall sign an affidavit that “he / she shall be bound to conduct the research work assigned by NTU / TMR.
    • The research proposal is normally completed by the nominating supervisor and co-signed by the candidate. If the candidate participates in writing the proposal, a statement should be added explaining the nature of the candidate’s contribution (this may be included within the detailed project proposal)
    • Research proposal will contain introduction of subject, literature review, research gap, objectives, materials & methods, outcomes, cost & timelines.
    • Copies of computerized NIC of Father, Guardian and student
    • Copies of last month’s utility bills
    • Copy of last Income Tax Return (if applicable)
    • Income Tax Certificate (if applicable)
    • Signed & Stamped Salary Slip in case of Private / Govt. Job from employer.
    • Signed & Stamped Income Certificate issued by Union Council or Numberdar or Patwari in case of Shop / Business / Land Income etc.
    • Pension Book or Card in case of pensioner.
    Selection Procedure
    • Tanveer Mir Rubber (Pvt.) Ltd. will review the project proposals and inform the university about accepted projects. The review will be based on following points:
      1. Research ability or potential (70%)
      2. Communication, interpersonal & leadership abilities (30%)
    • Once the candidate is selected for the fellowship then he / she will submit quarterly reports signed by supervisor to Office of Graduate Studies & Research. His / Her fellowship for next three months will only be released on satisfactory report.
    What Does Scholarships Cover?
    • Full tuition fee of all four (04) semesters.

    Eligibility Criteria

    The fellowship is open only to the full time students having CGPA greater than 3.0 to conduct thesis in the domain of composite materials at National Textile University in following disciplines:

    • PhD Textiles Engineering / Advance Materials
    • MS Textile Engineering
    • MS Advance Material Engineering
    • MS Polymer Engineering
    • Students should have exemplary conduct record and must be free from any restriction / ban the university disciplinary committee for availing scholarship schemes.
    • Student should not be receiving any other scholarship from other funding agencies.
    Ho​w To Apply?

    Every year Office of Graduate Studies and Research will advertise the positions on University’s website / notice boards. Potential candidates must contact a supervisor from “National Center for Composite Materials, NTU” who is willing to supervise and nominate the student. The supervisor will submit the nomination to Office of Graduate Studies & Research. Two (02) fellowships every year will be awarded to the students after getting approval from funding agency.

    Required Documents

    The nomination must include the original of each of the following:

    • Application form click here for i-Textiles fellowship program to be completed by the candidate
    • Contributions and statements (attachments)
    • The research proposal is normally completed by the nominating supervisor and co-signed by the candidate. If the candidate participates in writing the proposal, a statement should be added explaining the nature of the candidate’s contribution (this may be included within the detailed project proposal)
    • Research proposal will contain introduction of subject, literature review, research gap, objectives, materials & methods, outcomes, cost & timelines.
    Selection Procedure

    i-Textiles will review the project proposals and inform the university about accepted projects. The review will be based on following points:

    • Research ability or potential (50%)
    • Communication, interpersonal & leadership abilities (25%)
    • Potential for a startup (25%)

    Once the candidate is selected for the fellowship then he / she will submit quarterly reports signed by supervisor to Office of Graduate Studies & Research. His / Her fellowship for next six months will only be released on satisfactory report.

    What Does Scholarship Cover?

    For MS Students

    • Stipend will be paid for 12 months @ 20,000/- per month.
    • Expenses for the purchase of materials for R&D.

    For PhD Students

    • Stipend will be paid for 12 months @ 60,000/- per month.
    • i-Textiles will provide materials if research is purely related to their business.

    Eligibility Criteria

    The fellowship is open only to the full time students to conduct thesis at National Textile University in following disciplines:

    • MS Textile Engineering
    • MS Advance Material Engineering
    • Students should have exemplary conduct record and must be free from any restriction / ban the university disciplinary committee for availing scholarship schemes.
    • Student should not be receiving any other scholarship from other funding agencies.
    Ho​w To Apply?

    Every year Office of Graduate Studies and Research will advertise areas of research (provided by funding agency) on University’s website / notice boards. Potential candidates must contact a supervisor who is willing to supervise and nominate the student. The supervisor will submit the nomination to Office of Graduate Studies & Research. One (01) fellowship every year will be awarded to the student after getting approval from funding agency.

    Required Documents

    The nomination must include the original of each of the following:

    • Application form click here for Interloop Graduate Fellowship Program to be completed by the candidate
    • Contributions and statements (attachments)
    • Proof of completion of MS (if completed at the time of nomination)
    • The research proposal click here is normally completed by the nominating supervisor and co-signed by the candidate. If the candidate participates in writing the proposal, a statement should be added explaining the nature of the candidate’s contribution (this may be included within the detailed project proposal)
    • Research proposal will contain introduction of subject, literature review, research gap, objectives, materials & methods, outcomes, cost & timelines.
    Selection Procedure

    Interloop will review the project proposals and inform the university about accepted projects. The review will be based on following points:

    • Research ability or potential (70%)
      1. Quality of contributions to research and development
      2. Relevance of work experience and academic training to field of proposed research
      3. Ability to think critically
      4. Originality
      5. Initiative and autonomy
      6. Enthusiasm for research
      7. Determination and ability to complete projects within appropriate period of time.
    • Communication, interpersonal & leadership abilities (30%)

    Student will be awarded fellowship only after the contribution of each party, deliverables and timeline are agreed between funding agency and supervisor (PI). Once the candidate is selected for the fellowship then he / she will submit quarterly reports signed by supervisor to Office of Graduate Studies & Research. The signed report shall subsequently be shared with funding agency. His / Her fellowship for next three months will only be released on satisfactory report.

    What Does Scholarship Cover?
    • Stipend will be paid for 12 months @ 20,000/- per month.
    • Expenses for the purchase of materials for R&D.

    How to Pay for NTU Endowment Fund

    Name of Bank: Allied Bank Limited, Manawala Faisalabad, Pakistan (Branch Code: 0260)
    Account Title: NTU ENDOWMENT FUND
    Bank Account No: 02600010005349040333
    IBAN: PK93ABPA0010005349040333

    • Amount may be deposited online/ Telephonic/ Wire Transfer/ Visa Card
    • Or through cheque/ Bank Draft/ Pay Order in favour of NTU Scholarship.

    How to Pay for NTU Scholarship Fund

    Name of Bank: Allied Bank Limited, Manawala Faisalabad, Pakistan (Branch Code: 260)
    Account Title: NTU (Scholarship)
    Bank Account No: 02600010005349040146
    IBAN: PK98ABPA0010005349040146

    • Amount may be deposited online/ Telephonic/ Wire Transfer/ Visa Card
    • Or through cheque/ Bank Draft/ Pay Order in favour of NTU Scholarship.

    How to Donate Zakat for Student Scholarships

    Name of Bank: Allied Bank Limited, Manawala Faisalabad, Pakistan (Branch Code: 260)
    Account Title: NTU (Scholarship)
    Bank Account No: 02600010005349040146
    IBAN: PK98ABPA0010005349040146
    Beneficiary Email:
    Contact No: 0333-6661379

    • Amount may be deposited online/ Telephonic/ Wire Transfer/ Visa Card
    • Or through cheque/ Bank Draft/ Pay Order in favour of NTU Scholarship.

    Contact Us

    Contact Person: Zulfikar Ahmad
    Phone No: +92-41 9230081-90 Ext: 121

    Sr. No.


    Scholarship Name




    Ehsaas Undergraduate Scholarship Program




    Ehsaas Undergraduate Scholarship Program
