Faisalabad Business School offers two undergraduate level business degree programs. These programs are professionally designed and their curriculums are rationally tailored according to the requirements of business organizations at national and international level. The department aims to produce individuals with good leadership skills with a blend of knowledge related to management, marketing and textiles. Teaching faculty at Faisalabad Business School is fully committed to provide exciting, challenging and rewarding experiences to students during their studies, and to make every possible effort to help them in reaching their full potential.
"To be a national Leader in management eduction and research with the special focus on the textile sector."
To contribute towards sustainable development through generating and disseminating management knowledge, develop professionals for upcoming dynamic challenges of businesses and the textile industry, and promote industry-academia linkages.
It’s a matter of pride for me to be the Director/Dean of Faisalabad Business School of National Textile University, Faisalabad. Our mission is to deliver life-changing experiences that bring out the best in every student. We do this within a spiritually rich, intellectually stimulating and industry-oriented environment, aiming at developing character, nurturing business acumen, fostering entrepreneurial spirit and grooming leadership traits to meet the challenges and opportunities of the twenty first century. I am confident to say that my business school is committed to achieving our mission by the way we teach, groom, share working knowledge and conduct research. The transformative learning experience we provide at FBS groom the next generation of business leaders, who will contribute towards socio-economic development.
Being the top ranking Business School of Pakistan, our strength is to have a very close liaison with the industry, particularly Textile Industry of Pakistan where we meet their human resource needs with skilled executives. We also retain a very close relationship in joint research and development, and trainings. Our developed forums like industry advisory board, board of studies, faculty boards, and conferences provide platforms to faculty and industry to explore opportunities for collaboration, and find solution to problems faced by the industry.
We are offering many undergraduate programs like BBA, BS Textile Management and Marketing, BS Textile Apparel and Merchandising, BS Quality and Supply Chain Management, and BS Accounting and Finance. Our Masters programs include MBA, MBA Non Business, MSBA, and MBA Executive. We offer PhD in Business Administration as well. All these programs are practical in nature and the courses have been designed with flexibility in mind. These programs will equip our students to deal with any professional challenges and circumstances. Our education system is ‘Outcome Based Education’ and the curriculum is designed keeping in view the requirement of the industry. The learning outcomes of the students are monitored on regular basis.
We do all this with highly trained and skilled faculty who excel both in teaching and applied research. Our PhDs are specialized in all domains of management sciences which distinguishes us from our competitors.
I am pretty confident that FBS is playing its pivotal role in assisting the export oriented and textile industry to shift to value added products and grow at a good pace by providing quality human resources and world class entrepreneurs.
We welcome you to join our community of faculty, staff, students, and alumni who are committed to uplifting socio-economic development based on shared knowledge economy.
Thank you
Dr. Sajjad Ahmad Baig / Dean
Faisalabad Business School
Faisalabad Business School offers following degree programs.
Australian Pathway Program.
Research Areas
Project title |
Principal investigator (PI)/Co-PI |
Funding agency |
Supply Risk Management Model for Improving Textile Supply Reliability |
Dr. Muhammad Hashim |
Higher Education Commission, Pakistan |
Economy Wide Impact of Energy Component of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) |
Dr. Muhammad Shahzad Iqbal |
Higher Education Commission, Pakistan |
Lean production capacity building for employee: A cost effective and practical approach for enhancing the export potential of textile sector |
Dr. Sajjad Ahmed baig |
Higher Education Commission, Pakistan |
China Pakistan Economic Corridor and Economic Growth: Potential Moderating Role of Acquisition of Chinese as Second Language in Degree Awarding Institutes |
Dr Zia ur rehman |
Designing strategic HR policies for textile sector to achieve organization citizenship behavior of employees |
Dr Syed Hussian Mustafa Gilliani |
Enhancement of global competitiveness of Pakistani textile export value-chains by capacity building and product diversification (KnowTex) |
Dr. Yasir Nawab WP-7 (Dr. Sajjad Ahmed Baig) |
Higher Education Commission, Pakistan |
Improving Sustainability Performance of the Textile and Apparel Industries through Sustainable Manufacturing Practices and Circular Economy |
Dr. Muhammad Hashim |
Higher Education Commission, Pakistan |
Employment Injury Protection Scheme for Workers in the Textile Sector of Pakistan and Compliance of COVID-19 SOPs |
Dr. Syed Hussain Mustafa Gillani |
Higher Education Commission, Pakistan |
ILP-Exective development Program |
Dr. sajjad ahmed Baig |
Interloop limited |
• Enterpreneurship Society
• Executive Society
• Textile Management and Marketing Society
• Business Research and Development Society
• Textile Apparel and Merchandisers Society
• Interpersonal & Communication Skills Society
• Occupational Safety Healthcare and Environmental Society
The Batool Muzaffar Scholarship is open only to the full-time students’ needs financial assistance and having CGPA 3.0 and above to conduct his/her BS in any domain of offered programs by university (preferably Engineering).
Note: The eligibility of candidate is linked to above mentioned CGPA and neediness of the candidate as determined and assessed by the Financial Aid Office- Advisor Student Office keeping in view the financial background of the family of the applicant and subsequently approved by Batool Muzaffar Scholarship Management/Representative.
How To ApplyAfter getting admission on merit, students are advised to download Scholarship Application Form from NTU website and submit duly filled application along with required documents (List of required documents is attached with application form) in Advisor Student Office.
Application FormPlease click here for Batool Muzaffar Scholarship to be completed by the candidate
Required DOCUMENTSThe nomination must include the original/copy of each of the following:
Selection Procedure What Does Scholarships Cover?Education beyond intermediate is one of the ways to overcome poverty. However, access to higher education is itself distributed very unevenly. For example, only 0.4% of the children from the lowest income quintile (from the relevant age cohort) are enrolled in higher education institutions, which is far below the national average of 10%. Ehsaas scholarships aim to eliminate this source of unequal access.
According to the National Human Development Report 2017, Pakistan is one of the youngest country in the world. Realizing its demographic reality which has a population of around 220 million out of which more than half are of university age cohort, the priority of Government of Pakistan is to work on such programs which give drive to provide access to financially deserving and also encourages gender equity. The strategy is to create opportunities for a sizeable segment of youth to bring them under the net of higher education and create equal education opportunities for all.
Scholarship covers university tuition fee and stipend throughout four-five years of degree duration. It is a significant step to ensure affordable higher education in all major fields of education including agriculture, arts and humanities, business education, engineering, medical, physical sciences, and social sciences.
The Program covers funds for the following expenses:
Eligibility CriteriaThe students must have:
Ineligibility Conditions:A student is ineligible for the scholarship if found
How To ApplyAll students are required to apply through following HEC Online Application System:
After submission of the online application form of Ehsaas Undergraduate Scholarship Project , the applicant is required to take printout of the application form and attach following supporting documents:
SCHOLARSHIP AWARD PROCESSTurkish Universities Covered
Eligibility CriteriaThe fellowship is open only to the full-time students of National Textile University to conduct BS Thesis/internship of maximum 1 semester (4 and half months) at Turkish University. Students of NTU must fulfill the following eligibility criteria:
How To ApplyEvery year Office of DEAN FET will advertise INTERLOOP SCHOLAR AWARD (provided by funding agency) on University’s website / notice boards. Potential and willing candidates having CGPA ▁(>) 3.0 are eligible to submit applications to the office of DEAN FET. One (01) Scholarship Grant every year will be awarded to the student after getting approval from funding agency.
Required DocumentsThe nomination must include the original of each of the following:
Selection Procedure What Does Scholarship Cover? Application DeadlineApplications must reach office of Mr. Hassan Iftekhar Ahmed (2nd Floor SET, Lecturer, Textile Engineering Dept.) by 23rd January 2023.
ContactsFor any questions, please contact Mr. Hassan Iftekhar Ahmed (Coordinator).
To recognize the academic achievements of students and to create a competitive academic environment among students, merit scholarship has been introduced which are offered in every semester.
Eligibility CriteriaRegular students are eligible for merit scholarship based on the approved criteria:
What Does Scholarship Cover? Selection ProcedureFor merit scholarship the top position holders of the class are selected by examination department on the basis of GPA in current semester.
HEC Funded Scholarship for needy and deserving students. Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility of candidate is linked to neediness of the candidate as determined and assessed by the Institutional Scholarship Award Committee keeping in view the financial background of the family of the applicant and subsequently approved by HEC’s Scholarship Management Committee.
How to Apply?After getting admission on merit, students are advised to download Scholarship Application Form from NTU website and submit duly filled application along with required documents (List of required documents is attached with application form) in Advisor Student Office.
Required Documents Selection Procedure100% Tuition Fee Plus Stipend Rs. 6,000/- per month.
MORA Scholarship is designed by Ministry of Religious Affairs for needy students from District Zakat Fund.
Eligibility CriteriaThe student must belong to a poor family background and must be entitled for Zakat.
How to Apply?The eligible student may download the MORA Scholarship Form from website and submit the duly filled form to Advisor Student Office before cutoff date (Dates would be announced through notice board and website). Before submission of form, the student must ensure that the form is signed from concerned District Zakat and Usher Committee.
Required DocumentsThe attested Photocopies of the following documents must be attached with Application form:
Selection Procedure
The scholarships are being offered under the supervision of Punjab Educational Endowment Fund (PEEF) which was started in 2008 by Chief Minister of Punjab. The basic purpose behind established Punjab Educational Endowment Fund (PEEF) is to provide scholarships to talented and needy students who aren’t able to pursue their higher education due to financial constraints. Scholarships are not only granted to the students of Punjab but also to the residence of Gilgit Baltistan, AJK, Islamabad and FATA.
Eligibility Criteria What Does Scholarship Cover?Rs. 3,000/- Stipend per academic month for Day Scholar & Rs. 5,000/- per academic month for Hostelide.
The Kamal Mills Scholarships is open only to the full-time students’ needs financial assistance and having CGPA 2.75 and above in the following programs:
NOTEThe eligibility of candidate is linked to above mentioned CGPA and neediness of the candidate as determined and assessed by the Institutional Scholarship Award Committee keeping in view the financial background of the family of the applicant and subsequently approved by Kamal Mills Scholarship Management Committee.
How To ApplyAfter getting admission on merit, students are advised to download Scholarship Application Form from NTU website or Advisor Office and submit duly filled application along with required documents (List of required documents is attached with application form) in Advisor Student Office.
Application Form please click here for Kamal Mills to be completed by the candidate
Required DocumentsThe nomination must include the original/copy of each of the following:
Selection ProcedureISAC (Institutional Scholarship Award Committee) & or Advisor Office will review the applications and to suggest and recommend the students as per CGPA and need based criteria after interviews. What Does Scholarships Cover?
Full Tuition Fee + Other Dues + Hostel Dues with effect from allocation for whole period
Continuation of ScholarshipStudent will submit each semester result to Advisor Students Office. His/her scholarship for next six months will only be released on satisfactory quarterly report.
Discontinuation of ScholarshipUniversity will have right to cancel scholarship of any student at any stage and recovery of all the received scholarship amount will be made by awardee if:
PEEF has allocated 20% of its annual scholarship quota for Master Level Education. These scholarships are awarded to talented and deserving students enrolled in Partner Universities / Govt. Post graduate colleges of the Punjab. PEEF scholarships are awarded till the completion of the degree course the student is enrolled. However, if the student fails to maintain the required / satisfactory academic performance level, or is involved in any non-disciplinary act; the University/ Govt. Post Graduate College and / or the PEEF, reserve the right to cancel the scholarship award.
Eligibility CriteriaIn order to be considered eligible for PEEF Master level scholarships; the student must fulfill the following eligibility criteria.
The student must have: Note:Following students are not eligible for PEEF Masters level Scholarship:
How to Apply?PEEF has allocated scholarship quotas to all the partner universities and all government post graduate colleges of Punjab.
Please download the scholarship application form from PEEF website and submit the duly filled scholarship application form to respective university / post graduate college (the scholarship application forms can also be requested from the Advisor Student Office of the respective university / office of the principal of post graduate college)
Scholarship application forms submitted directly to PEEF shall not be entertained. Selection ProcedurePEEF selects deserving students on the basis of approved criteria.
What Does Scholarship Cover?Eligibility Criteria
Under the scheme the students are eligible to apply for loans provided:
The maximum period of repayment of loan is 10-Years from the date of disbursement of first installment. The borrower shall repay the loan in monthly installment after six months from the date of first employment or one year from the date of completion of studies, whichever is earlier.
How to Apply? Required DocumentsNational Bank of Pakistan (NBP) invites applications from needy students every year through notification and advertisement on their website. Students applying for interest free loan submit dully filled application form in designated branches of NBP and NBP reserves the right to select / not to select any student without mentioning any reason.
What Does Scholarships Cover?The loan facility will be available for entire duration of the study for:-
Through this scheme the Ihsan Trust bears the educational expenses of the students on purely “Need cum Merit” basis in order to enable them to complete their Higher Education.
Eligibility Criteria RepaymentThe repayment policy for the Qarz-e-Hasna is as follows:
Selection Procedure What Does Scholarships Cover?
• NTU Debating Club society
• NTU Kavish Magazine Society
• NTU Community Service Society
• NTU Road Safety Club Society
• NTU Newsletter society
• NTU Quran Society
• NTU Iqbal Society
• NTU Wings Society
• NTU Art&Culture Society
• NTU Media Club Soiety
• NTU Photography Society
• NTU Horticulture Society
• NTU Literary Society
• NTU Character Buliding Society
Following is the Policy for Student Grievances:
• Students having any academic grievance will discuss with his/her program directors.
• If program director does not respond the students or matter is not solved in 10 days, student will approach Director FBS to discuss the issues.
• If matter is not resolved at director level within 10 days, student can approach Rector office resolution of matter.
• Incase of non-academic matters, students can approach students affairs office for resolution of their matters.
Coming Soon...
Contact Name: | Dr. Sajjad Ahmad Baig |
Position: | Director/ Associate Professor |
Contact Telephone:
+92-41-9230081 - 90 Ext: 264 |
Contact Fax:
+92 (41) 9230098 |
Office Address:
Faisalabad Business School, National Textile University , Faisalabad-37610, Pakistan |
deanfms@ntu.edu.pk |
BSTMM Program:
Contact Name: | Dr. Muhammad Hashim |
Position: | Program Director BSTMM |
Contact Telephone:
+92-41-9230081 - 90 Ext: 263 |
Contact Fax:
+92-41-9230098 |
Office Address:
Faisalabad Business School, National Textile University , Faisalabad-37610, Pakistan |
mhashim@ntu.edu.pk |
BBA Program:
Contact Name: | Dr. Muhammad Shahzad Iqbal |
Position: | Program Director BBA |
Contact Telephone:
+92-41-9230081 - 90 Ext: 261 |
Contact Fax:
+92-41-9230098 |
Office Address:
Faisalabad Business School, National Textile University , Faisalabad-37610, Pakistan |
shahzad.iqbal@ntu.edu.pk |
BSTAM Program:
Contact Name: |
Dr. Muhammad Rizwan |
Position: | Program Director BSTAM |
Contact Telephone:
+92-41-9230081 - 90 Ext: 264 |
Contact Fax:
+92-41-9230098 |
Office Address:
Faisalabad Business School, National Textile University , Faisalabad-37610, Pakistan |
rizwankhan@ntu.edu.pk |
MSBA Program:
Contact Name: | Dr. Muhammad Zia-ur-Rehman |
Position: | Program Director MSBA |
Contact Telephone:
+92-41-9230081 - 90 Ext: 268 |
Contact Fax:
+92-41-9230098 |
Office Address:
Faisalabad Business School, National Textile University , Faisalabad-37610, Pakistan |
mzrehman@ntu.edu.pk |
MBA Program:
Contact Name: | Dr. Falik Shear |
Position: | Program Director MBA |
Contact Telephone:
+92-41-9230081 - 90 Ext: 267 |
Contact Fax:
+92-41-9230098 |
Office Address:
Faisalabad Business School, National Textile University , Faisalabad-37610, Pakistan |
falik.shear@ntu.edu.pk |