Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
No. |
Attributes |
PLOs |
1 |
Chemistry and Knowledge |
An ability to apply knowledge of chemistry to address the chemical processes in industry and everyday life. |
2 |
Problem Analysis and Design |
An ability to literature survey, identify, design, and analyze chemistry problems reaching substantiated conclusions. |
3 |
Investigation Tools |
An ability to select and apply appropriate chemistry techniques, and resources to investigate the chemical substances, processes, and outcomes. |
4 |
Chemistry and the Environment |
An ability to understand the impact of chemical species on the environment and demonstrate knowledge and ways for sustainable chemical processes. |
5 |
Dissemination |
An ability to effectively communicate the outcomes of chemistry knowledge and research in the scientific community and society. |
6 |
Project Execution |
An ability to design and execute a research project as an independent researcher in a multidisciplinary environment. |
Duration of the Program
Semester-wise Workload
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
CH-9001 | Advanced Physical Chemistry | 3 |
CH-9006 | Advanced Polymer Chemistry | 3 |
CH-9011 | Advanced Applied Chemistry | 3 |
Total | 9 |
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
CH-9007 | Special Organic Materials | 3 |
CH-9009 | Advanced Surface Chemistry | 3 |
CH-9012 | Applied Environmental Chemistry | 3 |
Total | 9 |
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
CH-9090 | Research Thesis | 30 |
Total Credit Hours | 48 |
Research Paper Requirement
Before final submission of thsis for evaluation, the Ph.D scholar would have to publish at least one research paperfrom his/her research, as first author, in an Internationally Abstracted Journal, recognized by the HEC, Pakistan. Onlypublished paper are acceptable for award of PhD degree.
(This list is not exhaustive and new courses can be added to this category at any time depending upon the available facilities/requirements after due approval)
S.No. | Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | CH-9001 | Advanced Physical Chemistry | 3 |
2 | CH-9002 | Inorganic Materials Chemistry | 3 |
3 | CH-9003 | Physical Organic Chemistry | 3 |
4 | CH-9004 | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Organic Chemistry | 3 |
5 | CH-9005 | Advanced Mass Spectrometry | 3 |
6 | CH-9006 | Advanced Polymer Chemistry | 3 |
7 | CH-9007 | Special Organic Materials | 3 |
8 | CH-9008 | Advanced Photochemistry | 3 |
9 | CH-9009 | Advanced Surface Chemistry | 3 |
10 | CH-9010 | Chemistry of Advanced Composite Materials | 3 |
11 | CH-9011 | Advanced Applied Chemistry | 3 |
12 | CH-9012 | Applied Environmental Chemistry | 3 |
13 | CH-9013 | Nanochemistry | 3 |
14 | CH-9014 | Biophysical Chemistry | 3 |
15 | CH-9015 | Advanced Chemical Treatment of Textiles | 3 |
16 | CH-9016 | Advanced Textile Chemistry | 3 |
17 | CH-9017 | Advanced Analytical Techniques | 3 |
18 | CH-9090 | Research Thesis | 3 |
Course Specifications
CH-9001: Advanced Physical Chemistry
Chemical Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic properties interrelations: Maxwell’s equations; flow of fluids. Phase equilibrium: Non-ideal gas and liquid mixtures; chemical reaction equilibria. Chemical Kinetics: Reactions in solutions: Diffusion-controlled reactions; applications of transition state theory; solvent effects on polar and ionic reactions; salt effects on reactions. Chain reactions: Features of chain mechanisms; branching chain and oscillating reactions. Determination of reaction orders; Product catalyzed reactions; series reaction with reversible step; prior- equilibrium and improved steady-state approximation. Solutions: Interactions in solutions: multicomponent systems; preferential solvation. Solvents: Their characterization; microscopic structure of solvent and solvates. Molecular dynamics and microscopic structure; different techniques of molecular dynamical calculations. Theories and laws related to solutions. Macroscopic properties of solutions.
Recommended Books:
CH-9002: Inorganic Materials Chemistry
Introduction to inorganic materials, Application and interpretation of powder X-ray diffraction data of materials, The synthesis of inorganic materials – Solid state reactions, Precursor, solution and sol-gel methods, Solid-gas reactions, Hydrothermal method, CVD, Aerosol process, Low temperature method, Transition metal oxides, Electronic, magnetic and optical properties of inorganic materials, Nonstoichiometric compounds, Zeolites, intercalation in layer materials and solid electrolytes, Some recent developments in inorganic material chemistry.
Recommended Books:
CH-9003: Physical Organic Chemistry
History and development: Evolution of a hybrid discipline, energy changes during chemical reactions, theory and principles related to kinetics and equilibrium processes. Correlation of structure and reactivity: Hammett equation and other linear free energy relationships. Huckel molecular orbital (HMO) method: Correlation of HMO parameters with molecular properties, alternant and nonalternant hydrocarbons and their properties. Correlation of structure and activity: Use of molecular descriptors, Hansch analysis, Craig plots, Topliss scheme in establishing SAR. FMO method: Concept of Frontier orbitals and its application for explaining chemical reactivity.
Recommended Books:
CH-9004: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Organic Chemistry
Spin couplings: Spin coupling in different spin systems. Double resonance experiments: Spin decoupling in 1H- and C13- NMR spectroscopy, suppression of solvent signal, 1H BB decoupling, gated decoupling, 1H off- resonance decoupling. 1D NMR experiments with complex pulse sequence: The J-modulated spin echo, SPI, INEPT and DEPT experiments. 2D NMR Spectroscopy: Introduction, theory and presentation of 2D spectrum. 2D J-resolved NMR spectroscopy: Homo- and hetero-nuclear 2D J-resolved NMR spectroscopy. 2D shift-correlated NMR spectroscopy: H,H-COSY, H,C-COSY, NOESY, ROESY, HMBC, HMQC and TOCSY experiments. Applications: NMR use as a tool for structure elucidation and stereochemical assignments.
Recommended Books:
CH-9005: Advanced Mass Spectrometry
Introduction: Aims and scope, theory and basic terminology. Instrumentation: Instrumental design, ionization techniques, types of analyzers and detectors. Applications: Modes of fragmentation of various organic compounds, interpretation of mass spectra of unknown organic compounds.
Recommended Books:
CH-9006: Advanced Polymer Chemistry
Mechanism and kinetics: Step growth, free radical addition polymerization, ionic polymerization, Ziegler- Nattapolymerization. Molecular weight determination: Different methods used to determine the absolute and relative molecular weights of polymers. Structure- property relationship. Reactions of synthetic polymers. Polymer degradation and stability: Special emphasis on thermal and photo-degradation. Polymer interactions. Polymer solutions: Expansion factor in solutions; physical parameters affecting the chain dimensions; theta conditions. Theories of polymer solutions; phase separation and fractionation; solubility parameters; criteria for solubility. The polymerization processes and techniques, polymer additives (plasticizers, stabilizers and fillers). Polymers characterization.
Recommended Books:
CH-9007: Special Organic Materials
Organic dyes: Chromophore structure, synthesis of azodyes and cyanins, reactive vs. direct textile dyes, Chemiluminescence, photochromocs, color photography. Liquid Crystals: definition, classification: thermotropic/lyotropic, calamitic/discotic, nematic/ smectic columnar, synthesis and orientation, liquid crystal displays (LCD’s), liquid crystal polymers. Electronic materials: Types of organic semi-conductors, polyacetylenes, and polyparaphenylenes, band structure, synthesis, electroluminescence and light emitting diodes (LED’s).
Recommended Books:
CH-9008: Advanced Photochemistry
Principles of photochemistry: Primary and secondary chemical processes. Electron transfer in photochemistry: Collisional and coulombic modes, effect of temperature, eximers and exiplexes, the SET photochemistry, quantum yields. Kinetics and energetic of photochemical reactions: Mechanism of photochemical reactions, intersystem crossing, flash photolysis, mass spectrometric methods. Experimental methods in photochemistry: Low, medium and high pressure mercury lamps, resonance lamps, actinometers, phototubes, sources of high intensity flashes of light, laser and synchrotron radiations. Photolytic studies: Aqueous and non-aqueous systems, effects of radiations on solids. Applications in daily life and industry: Picosecond and femtosecond flash photolysis, Supramolecular photochemistry.
Recommended Books:
CH-9009: Advanced Surface Chemistry
Solid-liquid interface: Wetting, heat of wetting, thermodynamic description of an interface, Gibbs-Duhem equation for an interphase, Gibbs adsorption isotherm, adsorption from solutions (dilute, liquid mixtures, non- electrolytes, electrolytes, etc.) at solid- liquid interface, detergency and flotation. Study of liquid interfaces: Kelvin’s and Laplace equations. Technical catalysis: Catalyst preparation techniques, catalytic reactors, supported metal catalysts, industrial applications of heterogeneous catalysts. Catalysis for steam-reforming, CO- & CO2- methanation, water-gas shift, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis reactions. Catalysts for syntheses of: ammonia, nitric acid, chemical fertilizers etc.
Recommended Books:
CH-9010: Chemistry Advanced Composite Materials
Introduction: Definitions and classification of composite materials, natural composites, property enhancement by reinforcement and orientation, matrix interface, synthetic fibers, processing of composites. Examples: Metallic, ceramic and polymeric matrices, interface reactions. Properties: Mechanical and thermal properties of composite materials, stress relaxation and creep studies, dynamical mechanical properties, toughening mechanisms and mechanical failure in polymeric composites.
Recommended Books:
CH-9011: Advanced Applied Chemistry
The importance of chemical industries for the economic development of Pakistan; chemistry of ceramics and its processing; the agrochemical industry; chemistry of structural adhesives; dyes and pigments; chemistry of silicone technology; chemistry of fuel technology; corrosion; quality control (analytical and statistical). Various aspects of the energy and raw material supply, cost calculations to improve yield and to reduce pollution. Industrial techniques and quality control. Equipment for large-scale manufacturing. Conversion of a lab. process to a pilot plant and then plant procedure. Industrial catalysis. Inorganic and organic processes. Products of fermentation process. Preparation of chemical products from small molecules. Pesticides, herbicides and pharmaceuticals. The environmental impact of a process.
Recommended Books:
CH-9012: Applied Environmental Chemistry
Atmospheric Chemistry: Atmospheric structure: Natural constituents, anthropogenic emissions and atmospheric pollution. Air quality criteria pollutants: Sources, dispersion models and sinks of atmosphericpollutants. Measurement and monitoring methods: Gaseous pollutants and particulate matter in the atmosphere, dry and wet depositions. Photochemical smog-formation: Types and effects. Acid rain: Causes, effects and control. Ozone Chemistry: Stratospheric ozone production and depletion, causes and significance of ozone hole, catalytic and non-catalytic processes, effects of UV on the biosphere. Global warming: Greenhouse gases, production, control and future trends of greenhouse gases, consequences of global warming. Control management: Standards and legislation regarding the atmospheric pollution. Aqueous Chemistry: Aquatic environment: hydrological cycle, water quality criteria, physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water, utilization, contamination and protection of water resources, collection and preservation of water samples. Physico-chemical analysis of water: Fresh water bodies, stratification and turn-over. Water pollution: Soap, detergents and agricultural sprays. Water management: Policies and tools. Deposition of sediments: Trace metals in the hydrocycle and sediments, quantification of environmental impact in sediments.
Recommended Books:
CH-9013: Nanochemistry
Nanomaterials: Classification; structure and bonding; size dependent properties of mater; arrangements in 3D, 2D and.1D. Specific heats and melting points of nano-crystalline materials. Semiconductor nanocrystals: Spinels; quantum dots. Alloy semicondictors and their synthesis. Metal nanoparticles, double layers. Nanoparticle stability; charge transfer. Optical properties: Light absorption by colloids; dielectric response; size effects, electron transfer; temperature effects. Magnetism: Magnetic susceptibility and permeability: diamagnetism; paramagnetism; Langevin model; quantum effects. Ferromagnetism, Curie-Weiss law. Antiferro- magnetism: Ferri-magnetism. Magnetic anisotropy. Magnetic domains. Hysteresis. Super-paramagnetism. Nanomaterials synthesis: Chemical and catalytic aspects of nanocrystals. Nanotechnology: Synthesis techniques. Applications.
Recommended Books:
CH-9014: Biophysical Chemistry
Thermodynamic aspects: Simple molecules, macromolecules, colloidal particles in solution. Bioenergetics: Association of biopolymers. Lipids and biological membranes: Membrane transport, membrane potential. Characterization of Macromolecules: Moving-boundary sedimentation,zonal sedimentation, density gradient sedimentation,viscosity measurement, electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing. Structure of proteins and nucleic acids: Folding/unfolding of proteins and nucleic acids. Enzymology: Kinetics of enzyme catalysis, mechanismsof enzyme catalysis. Experimental techniques: Protein NMR, MRI, X-ray crystallography of proteins, electron microscopy of macromolecular assemblies.
Recommended Books:
CH-9015: Advanced Chemical Treatment of Textiles
This course includes the detailed study of different chemical treatments of textile materials including pre- treatments, coloration, modification along withcomprehensive study of synthetic chemistry of different chemicals used in textile processing. The course also includes the characterization of treated textile materials using advanced analytical techniques.
Recommended Books:
CH-9016: Advanced Textile Chemistry
Chromophore structure; synthesis and a p p l i c a t i o n s of azo, anthraquinones, phthalocyanines, vat, indigo polymethine and nitro dyes; Reactive vs. direct textile dyes, Chemiluminescence, photochromocs, color photography; high technology applications. Textilesurface modifications; Multifunctional finishing; Textilesurface characterization; Development of textiles fortechnical applications.
Recommended Books:
CH-9017: Advanced Analytical Techniques
Diffraction methods: Origin of X-ray spectra: Energy levels, Moseley’s law. The absorption spectrum: Mass absorption coefficient. Instrumentation: X-ray generation, sources, wavelength dispersive devices, energy dispersive devices, detectors, sample preparation methods, working principle, analytical applications of X-ray absorption, X-ray fluorescence, particle induced X-ray emission, auger emission spectroscopy. Introduction, single crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD) of small molecules and macromolecules including natural systems, powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of small molecules and macromolecules, measurement of lattice parameters, measurement of B- values, determination of space group, calculation of electron density map. Electron microscopy: Introduction, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), measurement of I/Q values, single particle 3-D reconstruction. Thermal Analysis: Theory and instrumentation: Thermogravimetry (TG), differential thermal analysis (DTA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Quantitative interpretation: TGA, DTA and DSC curves. Kinetic and thermodynamic parameters. Applications: DTA, TGA in cements, catalysts, clays, minerals, biological materials, drugs, polymers and textiles.
Recommended Books:
Merit Criteria
The admission merit list will be prepared according to the following criteria:
M.Sc./MS/Equivalent | 60% weightage |
B.Sc/BE/Equivalent | 20% weightage |
Interview result | 10% weightage |
Publication/relevant experience | 10% weightage (05% + 05%) |
Programs | Total One Time Dues at Admission (Rupees) | Tuition Fee (1st Semester) (Rupees) | Total Other Charges (Per Semester) (Rupees) | Total 1st Semester Dues (Rupees) |
Ph.D. Chemistry | 32,400 | 37,630 | 8,000 | 78,030 |
Particulars | Rupees |
Admission Fee (Once at admission) | 25,000 |
Certificate Verification Fee (Once at admision) | 2,000 |
University Security (Refundable) | 5,000 |
Red Crescent Donation (Once at admision) | 100 |
University Card Fee (Once at admision) | 300 |
Library Fee (Per Semester) | 3,000 |
Examination Fee (Per Semester) | 3,000 |
Medical Fee (Per Semester) | 2,000 |
Student Activity Fund (Per Semester) | 2,000 |
Endowment Fund (Per Semester) | 1,000 |
Degree Fee (Once in the Last Semester) | 5,000 |
Total | 32,400 |
Particulars | Rupees |
Hostel Charges (Per Semester) | 25,000 |
Hostel Security (Refundable) | 5,000 |
TOTAL | 30,000 |