
Finance Office

The Finance Department is responsible for a variety of administrative functions for the University under the supervision of Director Finance. All aspects of accounting are carried through the finance department including payable function, fixed asset reporting, annual budget preparation and financial reporting of NTU University. The department prepares the University’s Annual Financial report in accordance with generally accepted accounting principle (GAPP).

Main Functions

  1. To prepare the University’s Strategic Financial Plans.
  2. To provide a first class and complete financial service in an efficient and effective way in support of the University’s key aims.
  3. To ensure that the service provided identifies and satisfies the relevant needs of the University’s staff, students and other customers within the framework of the Financial Directives, Service Level Agreements, and the department's policies and procedures.
  4. To ensure all income due to the University is properly accounted for and received on time.
  5. To procure goods and services for the University at appropriate cost, to the required quality and on time.
  6. To ensure payments are correctly recorded, paid to the right person, for the correct amount and on time.
  7. To maintain probity in the use of funds by ensuring that financial policies and procedures are followed.
  8. To ensure that statutory and regulatory obligations of financial accountability and reporting are provided, including compliance with the Financial Memorandum.
  9. To maximize income from investments, minimize risk in investing the University’s funds and consider private sector funding opportunities.
  10. To provide financial advice to Senior Officers, Deans and other managers on an ongoing basis.

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Departmental Budget Proposal Proforma Download

Name: Mr. Zulfikar Ahmed
Position: Director Finance
Office Address: Finance Office, National Textile University , Faisalabad-37610, Pakistan
Office Phone: +92-41-9230081 Ext:121
Direct Line: +92-41-9230092
Fax: +92 (41) 9230098