School of Science

School of Science (SOS)

The School of Science (SOS) offers supportive education to the core departments of the university at graduate and undergraduate level with the aim to provide a strong background in the areas of Computing, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Statistics.

Faculty members of the School of Science are highly qualified who have received their degrees from renowned universities of the world, aiming to develop students into researchers, engineers, innovators as well as highly specialized professionals with broad vision and excellent skills.

SOS has state of the art research labs with excellent facilities for research activities of the graduate and undergraduate students. SOS faculty members are actively engaged in various research projects within the institute and in collaboration with other institutes and industry.

The School of Science has two academic departments:

  • Department of Applied Sciences
  • Department of Computer Science

Following degree programs are offered at SOS:

  • PhD Chemistry
  • PhD Computer Science
  • MS Computer Science
  • MS Software Engineering
  • MS Physics
  • MS Mathematics
  • MS Textile Chemistry
  • BS Computer Science
  • BS Software Engineering

Welcome to the School of Science (SOS) at National Textile University, Faisalabad. It comprises of two departments: Department of Applied Sciences (DAS) and the Department of Computer Science (DCS). We play a pivotal role within NTU.

SOS has much strength in its excellent faculty, their research and teaching programs. The SOS, through its departments offers a curriculum for success that includes various graduate and undergraduate degree programs in computer science, physical and applied sciences. Through these programs, we are committed to produce highly qualified and top ranked professionals working successfully in national and international market.

Our mission and core values that guide our teaching, research; and public services are inspiring and challenging. The work that we do makes a difference in a rapid changing technological environment.

We promote teamwork, critical thinking, problem solving skills and effective communication in students. We also give importance to the spirit of inquiry, creativity, a sense of service and desire for long life learning.

Our faculty possesses solid academic performance and sophisticated practical insights having close ties with not only academic circle but also with the industry as well by focusing on research and providing technological solutions.

Our website provides information about academic programs and faculty. For a more personal touch, we invite you to visit the campus to meet faculty and students. Do also visit the website regularly for updates about developments and events.

Glimpse of Achievements


No. of Journal Publications



No. of Conference Publications



No. of Master Projects Completed



Funding obtained through Consultancy/Research Project

25.68 Million Rs


MOU’s / Collaboration



Book Chapter Published



New Programs Launched



Patent Filed



PhD Thesis Completed



No of Awards won by the Faculty



No of Awards won by the Students


Contact Name: Prof. Dr. Muhammad Tahir Hussain
Position: Dean SOS
Contact Telephone: +92-41-9230081 - 82 Ext: 138
Contact Fax: +92 (41) 9230098
Office Address: School of Science, National Textile University , Faisalabad-37610, Pakistan