Consultancy Services

Consultancy Services

The textile sector in Pakistan has an overwhelming impact on the economy, contributing 60% to the country’s exports. In today’s highly competitive global environment, the textile sector needs to upgrade its supply chain, improve productivity, and maximize value-addition to be able to survive. In Pakistan, textile sector has been witnessing modernization, expansions and international acquisitions, to cope with the changing needs of both domestic and international markets. This provides both opportunity and threat to industry. National Textile University (NTU) helps the industry to understand better, the textile business in an overall perspective to leave the competition behind.

At NTU, we have a comprehensive suite of services to help Textile Industry – whether you are fiber, yarn, fabric or garment manufacturer. As the leading industrial services provider, we offer consultancy services in testing, certification, verification and inspection of textiles.

Thanks to their experience and wide-ranging skills, our experts are adept at helping you build a better, stronger, more competitive and profitable business.