DPE Participated in International Conference at Mehran University

DPE Participated in International Conference at Mehran University

The department of polymer engineering participated in 1st  International Conference on Advanced Materials & Processing 2017 (ICAMP-17) Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan.

Mr. Dr. Yasir Nawab participated as a keynote speaker while Mr. Zubair Khaliq and Mr. Muzammil Mehmood participated as authors in the conference.

Following research papers were presented;

1.       The polyelectrolyte behavior of cellulose solutions in N,N-dimethylacetamide and lithium chloride By Zubair Khaliq, Muzammil Mehmood, Yasir Nawab.

2.       Development and absorbency characterization of honey coated alchite fibers for burn wound dressings by Muzammil Mehmood, Rashid Masood and Zubair Khaliq.

3.       Auxetic woven composites with enhanced mechanical properties by Mumtaz Ali, Yasir Nawab, Muhammad Zeeshan, Aima Sameen Anjum.