2nd all Pakistan DICE-Textile Innovation Event

2nd all Pakistan DICE-Textile Innovation Event

2nd all Pakistan DICE-Textile Innovation event was held in collaboration with DICE (Distinguished Innovation, Collaboration & Entrepreneurship) Foundation, USA on 28-29 March 2017 at National Textile University, Faisalabad. This event became even bigger as compared to 1st all Pakistan DICE-Textile innovation event (2016) and going to be a game changer in academia-Textile Industry linkage for Pakistan. The universities are gaining the confidence of industry and NTU has taken the lead. Some highlights from the event are as follows;


1. In this largest gathering of Textile Industry-academia, more than 100 CEOs from all the regions of Pakistan visited at stalls and signing of several contracts have been reported for joint university-industry research projects.
2. 26 universities presented 100 projects for competition worth Rs. 0.6 million.
3. Industry funded Rs. 3.0 million to 7 projects out of 9 projects pitched in Dice Sharks.
4. FCCI has allocated initially Rs. 0.5 million (to be added further) for R&D initiatives taken by NTU and to create awareness.
5. In the National Innovation Basket Session, seven Focal groups consisting of CEOs, Technical Managers and Professors from all over the Pakistan presented their suggestions for short term, medium term and long term improvement in Textile Industry.