Department of Polymer Engineering (DPE) has organized the meeting of Board of Studies (BOS)

Department of Polymer Engineering (DPE) has organized the meeting of Board of Studies (BOS)

A meeting of Departmental Board of Studies was held on 28 April, 2017 in the Video Conference Room, I.T. Center. Meeting was chaired by the Chairman, Dr. Yasir Nawab. The board members agreed on several positive changes in the Course Specifications, Research Projects along with Rubrics for Assessment of Assignments and Lab Reports. At the end, Chairman DPE briefed the board about latest Lab facilities incorporated in the University. Moreover, he shared the timeline to add more Labs with state of the art equipment. Board members who attended the meeting were:

 Dr. Yasir Nawab

 Chairman, Department of Polymer Engineering, NTU.


 Engr. Abdul Rehman

 Coordinator, Industrial Liaison & Linkages/Lecturer, DPE, NTU.


 Dr. Zubair Khaliq

 Coordinator/Lecturer, Department of Polymer Engineering, NTU.


 Dr. Zulfiqar Ahmed Rehan

 Assistant Professor, Department of Polymer Engineering, NTU.


 Mr. Hammad Mohsin

 Assistant Professor, Department of Polymer Engineering, NTU.


 Prof. Dr. Tahir Jamil

 Chairman, Department of Polymer Engineering & Technology, PU, Lahore.


 Dr. Waqar Ali Khan

 Chairman/Associate Professor, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, NFC-IEFR, FSD.


 Dr. Ahmed Nawaz Khan

 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Materials Engineering, SCME, NUST, Islamabad.
