CPD Workshop on Introduction to Electrospinning and its technical applications

CPD Workshop on Introduction to Electrospinning and its technical applications

A workshop for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) was arranged on June 20, 2017 in collaboration with Pakistan Engineering Council, for Professional Engineers, Instructors, Lab Engineers, and Students on 

Introduction to Electrospinning and its technical applications

Resource Person: Dr. Ahsan Nazir

Topics covered in the workshop were;

  • Introduction 

o   Preface of Nanofibers

o   Nanotechnology and Nanofibers 

o   Various Ways to Make Nanofiber

  • Electrospinning Process 

o   Polymer Solution Parameters 

o   Processing Conditions 

o   Ambient Parameters

  • Applications

o   Affinity Membranes 

o   Drug Release 

o   Tissue Scaffolds 

o   Wound Dressing 

o   Filter Media

o   Chemical and Biological Protective Clothing

o   Energy and Electrical Application 

o   Sensors

o   Composite Reinforcement