News of the Department of Applied Sciences

News of the Department of Applied Sciences

Department of Applied Sciences


News of the Department

  1. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Raza, Associate Prof./Chairman, DAS and Mr. Muhammad Aslam, Lecturer Physics visited University of Sargodha on 27July 2017. The Purpose of the visit was to conduct a meeting with the Faculty members of Department of Physics to discuss ongoing research activity and future research collaboration.


  1. After the successful completion of 1st Phase of the project titled “Development of novel biomaterials and their application in textile and nano biotechnology”. The Higher Education Commission (HEC) released Rs. 0.956 million as a payment of 2nd installment of the NRPU project.


  1. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Raza, Associate Professor/Chairman, Department of Applied Sciences wins NRPU (HEC) Research project of Rs. 3.9 milliontitled “Development of Nanofiber based Bioresorbable scaffolds for drug delivery applications” as Co-PI in collaboration of NIBGE, Faisalabad.


Department of Applied Sciences warmly welcomesDr. Muhammad Tariq Jan, who joined the Department as Assistant Professor Physics on TTS.