Textile Processing Department Arranged a Seminar on Promoting Sustainability in Textile Wet Processing

Textile Processing Department Arranged a Seminar on Promoting Sustainability in Textile Wet Processing

"Considering the scope of textile industry, one of the largest industries in the world, sustainability is not only the important concept, but companies could make a huge difference environmentally and socioeconomically. As most of us are aware of how Pakistan’s textile industry is lagging behind to implement the sustainability practices. The industry consumes more water than needed and discharges untreated polluted water into the local water bodies. There is a gap between understanding and implementation of sustainable practices due to lack of awareness.

In this context, the Textile Processing Department in collaboration with GIZ Pakistan conducted a seminar on "Promoting Sustainability in Textile Wet Processing". Dr. Muhammad Mohsin and Prof. Dr. Harald Schonberger Delivered lectures on following key points.

  1. Sustainability and future of textile
  2. Why environmental protection - wealth and environment – a contradiction?
  3. Our economic system and the environmental/sustainability dimension
  4. The global textile value chain and the environmental challenges.
  5. Environmental issues of textile finishing
  6. Are sustainable supply chains possible?   

People from Textile Wet Processing industry, faculty members and students participated in this seminar: