Kashmir Solidarity Day Being Observed in National Textile University

Kashmir Solidarity Day Being Observed in National Textile University

The Officials of NTU including faculty, staff and students gathered to Signifies Pakistan’s commitment to Kashmiris in their genuine longstanding struggle for right to self-determination.

Number of Kashmiri youth were martyred in operations. Over 200 civilians were also injured in the action.  University students stand with Kashmiris, strongly condemned the brutal behaviour, ongoing state terrorism, violence and discrimination use of forces by the neighbouring country’s forces.  

Officials of National Textile University demonstrated their allegiance by wearing black bands. A special dua was offered after Jummah prayer for the safety and restoration of Kashmiris freedom.

Moreover, a walk is being taken out within campus with the aim to express solidarity and condemn the recent atrocities by Indian forces in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK).

The scarifies of Kashmiris will never be wasted. Kashmir will win the freedom.