Knitting department had arranged an industrial tour to Interloop (Pvt.) Ltd located on Khurianwala, Faisalabad, dated on 31-12-2015 (Thursday) for the students of knitting department. Interloop is one of the world's largest hosiery manufacturers with Hosiery being its core business - has an annual Company turnover exceeding $250 million. Besides Hosiery Interloop is a reputed manufacturer of quality yarn. It is a complete vertically integrated organization with in-house spinning, yarn dyeing, knitting and finishing facilities. Interloop houses over 3,500 knitting machines, 46,704 ring-spinning spindles and has more than 13,000 employees. The Company offers a wide range of socks with various quality levels and price points in line with all types of customers including brands, retailers, specialty stores etc. besides quality yarns for Denim, Hosiery & weaving industry.
Students have learned the complete process of socks manufacturing (Knit to pack).