Workshop was arranged for faculty on �Outcome Based Education and its Effective Implementation�

Workshop was arranged for faculty on �Outcome Based Education and its Effective Implementation�

A two-days International Training Workshop was arranged for faculty on “Outcome Based Education and its Effective Implementation”, in collaboration with Pakistan Engineering Council, Islamabad, in the National Textile University, Faisalabad, for the development of Faculty for facing Global Challenges, Aim of the workshop was to enhance new knowledge for the effective implementation of Outcome Based Education in Institutions of Higher Education for developing linkage with industry and producing best engineers for sustainable growth. The workshop is focused on performance management, professionalism, ethics, and nation building with the purpose to achieve goals. Over 100 faculty members from various disciplines attended the workshop. The Rector Prof. Dr. Tanver Hussain of National Textile University inaugurated the training workshop and International Resource Person Prof. IR. Megat Johari Megat Mohd Noor, Deputy President, Malaysian Society for Engineering and Technology, Councilor, Federation of Engineering Institutions of Islamic Countries and  National Resource Persons, Engr. Dr. Nasir Mehmmod Khan, Additional Registrar Pakistan Engineering Council were the “Trainers/ Speakers” for the training.