Pink Ribbon Awareness Campaign at NTU

Pink Ribbon Awareness Campaign at NTU

The students and faculty of NTU is always at the fore front whether it’s the field of textiles or an important life matter. We believe that along with academics it’s the responsibility of university to develop positive attributes in our youth. We trust today’s youth is tomorrow’s nation and we cannot always build the future for our youth but we can build our youth for future by giving them.

  • Purposeful Education
  • Positive awareness
  • Optimistic Confidence.

 NTU has supported pink ribbon cancer awareness campaign by raising funds for the first breast cancer hospital .For spreading positive awareness different activities were arranged in the campus for one week in which majority of the students were involved. For developing optimistic confident related to the subject their work was displayed on 27 oct 2016 and they all are encouraged to discuss their work with fellow students.