Serat-ul-Nabi Lecturer by Madam Nighat Hashmi

Serat-ul-Nabi Lecturer by Madam Nighat Hashmi

A Lecture by scholar Madam Nighat Hashmi. A lecture was delivered on 16 November 2016 by Madam Nighat Hashmi on the topic of Serat- ul -nabi. Lecture was arranged and organized by Character Building Society of Fashion Design Department. She has explained the life of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) by giving examples that showed his status as a role model for Muslim societies and individuals. His life is one that was dominated by a superior morality, good habits; noble and gentle feelings and superior skills, all of which are the characteristics that helps to prevent people from getting entangled in a web of sin. The rich and the prosperous, the poor and the needy, the ruler and the ruled, the weak and the lonely, the teacher and the student, the merchant and the craftsman, the employer and the employee - in other words, every sort of person can find truths in Prophet Muhammad's life that constitute an example for them to follow.