NTU Faisalabad: Professor Dr. Tanveer Husain (Rector) has said that National Textile University (NTU) is one of the leading Institutes which provide research opportunities to the researchers.
NTU Library organized a Seminar on “How to Access HEC Digital Resources” with the collaboration of PASTIC sub center Faisalabad on December 30, 2016 (Friday) from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM at IT Center. A large number of faculty members, staff, research assistants and students of BS, MS ad PhD scholars from all disciplines attended the seminar. Mr. Muhammad Umar Farooq, Chief Librarian, The University of Agriculture, Faisalabad was the resource person. He briefed about HEC digital library particularly the following databases; Scopus, Science Direct and ProQuest etc.
Dr. Zafar Javed, Registrar was Guest of Honor at Opening Ceremony. He welcomed to all the participants and said that this seminar is an opportunity for faculty members & young scholars to enhance their skills in learning & technologies for research. He said that such seminar should be conducted on regular basis to promote usage of digital libraries among PhD scholars. He congratulated Mr. Muhammad Husnain, Deputy Director PASTIC, Mr. Muhammad Umar Farooq, Resource Person and Mr. Mushtaq Ahmad, Sr. Librarian/Focal Person for HEC Digital Library for taking a good initiative. Dr. Zafar emphasized on the importance of the learning of information skills for the advancement of the library sciences to embrace knowledge in the era of technology.
Professor Dr. Tanveer Hussain, Rector was the Chief Guest at the Closing Ceremony and distributed certificates and shields among the Participants and Organizers respectively. Mr. Muhammad Husnain presented Souvenir to the Rector NTU. At the end Mr. Mushtaq Ahmad (Chief Organizer) thanks all the participants and the honorable guest.