Sr. No. | Test Name | Standard Method |
1 | Breathability (Differential Pressure) | BS EN 14683 |
2 | Splash Resistance (synthetic blood) | ISO 22609 |
3 | Resistance of face mask to synthetic blood by horizontal projection | ASTM F1862 |
4 | Particle Filtration Efficiency | EN 143 |
5 | Resistance to body Fluids/Synthetic Blood | ISO 16603 |
6 | Resistance of materials to penetration by synthetic blood | ASTM F1670 |
7 | Bursting Properties of Fabrics (Pneumatic) | ISO 13938-2 |
8 | Tensile properties of fabric by strip method | ISO 13934-1/ASTM D 5035 |
9 | Tensile properties of fabric by grab method | ISO 13934-2/ASTM D 5034 |
10 | Tear Resistance | ISO 13937-2 |
11 | Seam Strength | ISO 13935-2 |
12 | Puncture Resistance | EN 863 |
13 | Water Impact Penetration Test | AATCC 42 |
14 | Hydrostatic Pressure Test | AATCC 127 |
15 | Hydrostatic Pressure Test | ISO 811 |
16 | pH of fabric | AATCC 81/ISO 3071 |
17 | Fiber Composition analysis | AATCC 20/ISO 1833 |
18 | Weight of Fabrics | ISO 3801/ASTM D3776 |
19 | Water Vapor Resistance (sweating guarded hot plate) | ISO 11092 |