Towel Testing

Towel Testing

Sr. No. Test Name Standard Method
1 Liquid Moisture management properties of textiles AATCC 195
2 Measurement of drying time of fabrics AATCC 201/AATCC 199
3 Fabric Thickness ASTM 4032
4 Relative hand evaluation of textiles: Instrumental method AATCC 202
5 Assessment of fabric touch properties by FTT N/A
6 Fiber Composition analysis AATCC 20/ISO 1833
7 GSM measurement of fabrics ISO 3801
8 Garment shrinkage AATCC 150
9 Garment Shrinkage ISO 3759
10 Garment Shrinkage ISO 5077
11 Garment Shrinkage ISO 6330
12 Appearance after wash AATCC 124
13 Color Fastness to Light AATCC 16
14 Color Fastness to Light and Perspiration AATCC 125
15 Color fastness to artificial light: Xenon Arc Fading lamp test BS EN 105 BO2
16 Color fastness to artificial light: Xenon Arc Fading lamp test ISO 105 BO4
17 Stretch and Recovery ASTM D 6614
18 Colorfastness to Acid & Alkalis AATCC 06
19 Colorfastness to Crocking AATCC 08/ISO 105 X12
20 Colorfastness to Perspiration AATCC 15/ISO 105 E04
21 Colorfastness to Laundering/Washing- Accelerated AATCC 61ISO 105 C01
22 Colorfastness to Sea Water AATCC 106/ISO 105 E02
23 Colorfastness to Dry-cleaning AATCC 132/ISO 105 D01
24 Colorfastness to Sodium Hypochlorite Bleach in Home Laundering AATCC 188
25 pH AATCC 81
26 pH ISO 3071