Executive Committee

Executive Committee

As per Ordinance No. CXXIV of 2002 dated November 15, 2002 promulgated by the President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan to set up a National Textile University, the Executive Committee is also one of the authorities for the University. The Executive Committee shall deliberate on various aspects related to the functioning of the University and recommend specific measures to the Board for approval and shall, in particular-

  1. delineate priorities for research;
  2. recommend allocation of training and research funds to the colleges and institutes;
  3. guide and direct the Academic Council and Faculty Board of Studies of each college and institute on all matters relating to the academics, including syllabi and duration of    various courses;.
  4. recommend disciplines for all academic studies in the colleges and institutes and help in creation of necessary infrastructure for the same;
  5. help to induct highly competent scientific and technical talent into the faculty of each college to enhance the quality of education and research;
  6. lay down guidelines for proper and efficient conduct of professional examination at the colleges and institutes;
  7. recommend such measures which would foster and enhance interaction and collaboration between the University and the existing national and international   organizations, institutions and research centers and the industrial base;
  8. recommend apportioning of the national research and development budget for the University;
  9. work out and propose affiliation measures with foreign institutions of repute;
  10. decide methods and strategies in order to ensure the most effective scientific and, technological programmes;
  11. coordinate with relevant Government Ministries, Universities and Commission;
  12. propose statutes to the Board for approval; and
  13. prepare regulations for approval by the Board.