Masters Programs

MS Software Engineering

Program Educational Objectives

After 3-5 years of graduation, the graduates will be able to: 

  • Articulate their expertise in making technical contributions to design, develop, and solve problems in their practice of Software Engineering for better world.
  • Engaged in professional development or higher education to pursue flexible career paths adapting to future technological changes in Software Engineering and related fields.

Program learning outcomes

MS Software Engineering aims at achieving the following learning outcomes in the students by the time of graduation:





Advanced Computing Knowledge

An ability to demonstrate an understanding of advanced knowledge of the computer science, practice of software engineering from vision to analysis, design, validation and deployment.


Problem Solving

An ability to deal with complex software engineering problems and tasks by using modern software engineering principles, methodologies, and tools.



An ability to identify, analyze, and ethically investigate the problems to develop solutions and strategies through reflective research processes.



 An ability to effectively communicate both in oral and written forms.


First Semester

Code Course Title Credit Hours
 SEC-5072  Advanced Software Requirement Engineering  3
 SEC-5071  Advanced Software System Architecture  3
 SEC-XXXX  Elective-I  3
SEE-XXXX  Elective-II  3
  Total 12

Second Semester

Code Course Title Credit Hours
 SEC-5073  Software Testing and Quality Assurance  3
 SEE-XXXX  Elective-III  3
 SEE-XXXX  Elective-IV  3
SEE-XXXX  Elective-V  3
  Total 12

Third Semester

Code Course TitleCredit Hours
 TEX-5078  Elective-VI (Functional Textiles)  2
 SEC-6072  MS Thesis-I  3
  Total 5

Fourth Semester

Code Course Title Credit Hours
 SEC-6072 MS Thesis-II  3
  Total Credit Hours 32

List of Elective Courses


Course Title

Credit Hours


Software Risk Management



Software Measurement and Metrics



Software Configuration Management



Reliability Engineering



Component Based Software Engineering



Design Patterns



Complex Networks



Agent Based Modelling



Formal Methods



Software Engineering Ontologies



Semantic Based Software Engineering



Model Driven Software Development



Software Process Engineering


(This list is not exhaustive and new courses can be added to this category at any time depending upon availability of the instructor)

Course Specifications

Advanced Software Requirements Engineering

Role of requirements engineering in system development, Fundamental concepts and activities of requirements engineering, Information elicitation techniques, Fundamentals of goal-oriented requirements engineering, Modeling behavioral goals, Modeling quality goals, Goal modeling heuristics, Deriving operational requirements from goals, Requirements Specification, Requirements verification and validation, Management of inconsistency and conflict, requirements engineering risks, requirement change control board and process, the role of quality goals in the requirements selection process, Techniques for requirements evaluation, selection and prioritization; Requirements management; Requirements traceability and impact analysis.

Software Quality Assurance and Testing

What Is Software Quality: Quality Assurance, Quality Engineering Software Testing: Testing: Concepts, Issues, and Techniques, Test Activities, Management, and Automation, Coverage and Usage Testing Based on Checklists and Partitions, Input Domain Partitioning and Boundary Testing, Coverage and Usage Testing Based on Finite-State Machines and Markov Chains, Control Flow, Data Dependency, and Interaction Testing, Testing Techniques: Adaptation, Specialization, and Integration. Quality Assurance Beyond Testing: Defect Prevention and Process Improvement, Software Inspection, Formal Verification, Fault Tolerance and Failure Containment, Comparing Quality Assurance Techniques and Activities. Quality Assurance Beyond Testing: Defect Prevention and Process Improvement, Software Inspection, Formal Verification, Fault Tolerance and Failure Containment, Comparing Quality Assurance Techniques and Activities. Quantifiable Quality Improvement: Feedback Loop and Activities for Quantifiable Quality Improvement, Quality Models and Measurements, Defect Classification and Analysis. Risk Identification for Quantifiable Quality Improvement, Software Reliability Engineering.

Advanced Software System Architecture

Definition and overview of software architecture, the architecture business cycle, Understanding and achieving quality attributes, Attribute-driven design, Documenting software architecture, Evaluating software architecture, Architecture reuse Life-cycle view of architecture design and analysis methods, The QAW, a method for eliciting critical quality attributes, such as availability, performance, security, interoperability, and modifiability, Architecture Driven Design, Evaluating a software architecture (ATAM, CBAM, ARID), Principles of sound documentation, View types, styles, and views; Advanced concepts such as refinement, context diagrams, variability, software interfaces, and how to document interfaces; Documenting the behavior of software elements and software systems; Choosing relevant views; Building a documentation package, Future of Software Design, Architecture Description Languages, Introduction to AADL , AADL: Continued , Testing Architectures, Feature Modeling in SPLs, Testing a Family of Products.


MS (SE) Elective Courses

Software Risk Management            

Risk-Management Discovery, Risk-Management Process, Process steps, inputs, and outputs, Methods and tools, reusable process component. Risk-Management Infrastructure, Training metrics, establishing a baseline for quantitative process improvement, infrastructure, there is no strategic plan in place to institutionalize risk management. Senior managers, engineering managers, and change agents should benefit from these organizational building blocks. Risk-Management Implementation, standard process, Risk management activities, lifecycle planning, budgeting, scheduling, and staffing. Crisis and Control, risk-management evolution stages, Effective and ineffective practices.

Software Measurements & Metrics          

Introduction to foundations of measurement theory, models of software engineering measurement, software products metrics, software process metrics and measuring management. Measurement theory (overview of software metrics, basics of measurement theory, goal-based framework for software measurement, empirical investigation in software engineering). Software product and process measurements (measuring internal product attributes: size and structure, measuring external product attributes: quality, measuring cost and effort, measuring software reliability, software test metrics, object-oriented metrics) Measurement management.

Software Configuration Management    

Source Code Management, Build Engineering, Environment Configuration, Change Control, Release Management, Deployment, Architecting Your Application for CM, Hardware Configuration Management, Rightsizing Your Processes, Overcoming Resistance to Change, Personality and CM: A Psychologist Loods at the Workplace, Learning from Mistakes, Establishing IT Controls and Compliance, Industry Standards and Framework.

Component Based Software Engineering          

Introduction to CBSE, Reuse, Basic Concepts in CBSE, Modeling components with UML, Open-COM component model, Fractal component model, Component Models and Technology, Component contracts component specification techniques, Component integration and Predictable composition, Service Oriented Computing - Key Concepts and Principles, SOA.

Design Patterns

Overview of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Design Patterns (Concepts, Major issues, Reuse of ideas), Creational Patterns, Structural Patterns, Behavioral Patterns. Applications of design patterns for: Organization of Work, Access Control, Service Variation and Service Extension, Object Management and Adaptation, Architectural Patterns, Patterns for Distribution, Patterns for Interactive Systems, Adaptable Systems. Frameworks and Patterns, Idea of frameworks, Patterns for flexibility, achieving benefits of frameworks, Failures of frameworks.

Complex Networks  

What are networks and why networks, Erdos-Renyi random, small-world and scale-free network models, Calculation of basic measures in networks, Degree and eccentricity Centrality, Shortest path between start and end nodes, case study of calculation, Clustering coefficient, Matching index and case study, Network tools overview, Pajek, Network Workbench, Gephi, Visone, Cytoscape, Centibin, Network Simulation (Agent-based simulation of networks), Biological networks, Social Networks, Scientometric study using Networks, Modelling Communication Networks as graphs/networks, Disk Graph models such as WSNs.

Agent-Based Modeling                     

Introduction to Agent-based Models, Introduction to NetLogo, Describing ABMs, First ABM Development, Animation to Science, Model Verification & Validation, Emergence, Adaptive Behavior, Prediction, Cognitive AB Computing Framework, Complex Network Modeling, Exploratory AB Modeling, Descriptive AB Modeling, Validated AB Modeling.


Formal Methods

Introduction to Formal methods, Introducing Z, Elements of Z, Logic, Using Predicates in Z, Schemas and Schema Calculus, Formal Reasoning, Case Studies in Z, Computer Graphics and Computational Geometry. Rule-Based Programming, Graphical User Interface, Safety-Critical Protection System, Modeling Large Systems, Object-Oriented Programming Model and Z, Concurrency and Real-time, Refinement, Program Derivation and Formal Verification, Converting Z into Code.

  1. BS in Computer Science/Bachelor of Computer Science/MSc in Computer Science, BSIT, BS in Software Engineering 4-year, BS Telecommunication or equivalent degree from HEC recognized university/ Institute with a minimum CGPA 2.00/4.00 or first division in annual system. 
  2. Applicants having terminal degrees as prescribed in condition no. 01, are required to qualify NTU-GAT (General) test while applicants having different terminal degree are required to qualify NTU-GAT (Subject) test additionally with minimum 50% score  as per HEC.
  3. The applicant must not be already registered as a student in any other academic program in Pakistan or abroad.
  4. Result waiting applicants may apply for admission, however their merit will be finalized only on submission of final BS/M.Sc or equivalent official transcript or degree.
  5. Relevant Admission Committee will determine relevancy of terminal degree and decide deficiency course/s (if any) at the time of admission interview, the detail of which will be provided to the student in his/her admission letter/email.
  6. Deficiency course/s will be treated as non-credit and qualifying course/s for which student will also pay extra dues as per fee policy. Those course/s will neither be mentioned in student’s final transcript nor will be included for calculation of CGPA. However, the student may obtain his/her a separate transcript for completion of deficiency course/s.

Note: The student will submit his/her publication from his/her thesis research work to his/her supervisor. Final thesis defense of student will be held after the submission of publication to a relevant HEC recognized journal. It will be compulsory for graduate student to include his/her Supervisor’s name in his/her publication.

Merit Criteria

Admission merit list will be prepared according to the following criteria.

BS or Equivalent  60% weightage
 NTU GAT (General) Test  30% weightage
 Interview  10% weightage

Fee Structure of Postgraduate Programs for Admission 2024

Programs Total One Time Dues at Admission (Rupees) Tuition Fee (1st Semester) (Rupees) Total Other Charges (Per Semester) (Rupees) Total 1st Semester Dues (Rupees)
M.S. Software Engineering 32,400 37,630 11,000 81,030


Detail of One Time Admission Dues and Other Charges

Particulars Rupees
Admission Fee (Once at admission) 25,000
Certificate Verification Fee (Once at admision) 2,000
University Security (Refundable) 5,000
Red Crescent Donation (Once at admision) 100
University Card Fee (Once at admision) 300
Library Fee (Per Semester) 3,000
Examination Fee (Per Semester) 3,000
Medical Fee (Per Semester) 2,000
Student Activity Fund (Per Semester) 2,000
Endowment Fund (Per Semester) 1,000
Degree Fee (Once in the Last Semester) 5,000
Total 32,400

Hostel Dues

Particulars Rupees
Hostel Charges (Per Semester) 25,000
Hostel Security (Refundable) 5,000
TOTAL 30,000



  1. Tuition Fee will increase @ 2.5% Per Annum in Subsequent Years.
  2. The security deposit is against breakage and/or any other damage caused by the students.
  3. The security deposit is refundable within two year after the completion of degree or leaving the University without completion or expulsion from the University. After Two years all the unclaimed securities will be forfeited.
  4. If any student fails to submit semester dues till sixth week from the commencement of semester then the student's admission will be cancelled. Student may sit in mid exam after the payment of re-admission fee of Rs.15,000/- long with semester dues